karmic footprint...

We are all familiar with the term, “carbon footprint.” Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which is induced by your activities in a given time frame. But what about your karmic footprint? Do you know that in every moment of your life you are creating karma just as you are creating CO2?

Karma is often misunderstood as something you have no control of, something that is predestined from a previous life but this is not the case. We are all co-creators of our own lives. There are no victims and we are not slaves to “fate”.

Karma is created by every word you speak and every choice you make. This is how powerful you are. The words and the choices you make resonate at a certain frequency and the frequency you give out is the frequency you will get in return because in the end we are all energy. We just vibrate at different frequencies.

It is a good idea, before you speak, before you make a choice, to look and see what is motivating you. Is it fear? If so, fear will come back. The clearer you are about what is motivating you the clearer you can make choices and choose words to serve you; every action taken and every word spoken changes fate and adds or takes away from your and other’s karma.

Sounds like a lot of work? It is, a life of clarity is not for the faint of heart but once you arrive it is blissful and worth every dark corner you spent time in.

Last Sunday, I woke up in a panic. This is rare for me. In fact, I don’t believe it has ever happened before. I didn’t know where it was coming from. I went through all possible ideas, the palm tree being cut down, the money I spent at Costco the day before, Philip’s reaction to being turned in to DCSS (The Department for Child Support Services), or perhaps the man I’ve been dating was about to leave me or I was coming to terms with the idea that I might need to leave him…I didn’t know.

The feeling continued to Monday. It was less intense but I found myself fighting back tears as I emailed Mia telling her that I keep having a feeling that some sort of loss is coming, something is about to happen. I couldn’t shake the feeling and then in the middle of the day, it started to reveal itself. I received an email from a very dear friend with some unfortunate news. Unfortunately I can not go into the details because it is deeply personal. However, I can tell you this much, this person had received a “lesson” and I had been instrument in it. It was not my intention to give them a lesson.

I have learned that it is best to only to shed light where it is wanted but recently I’ve realized that because I live with clarity (unless I’m going through a lesson), from a frequency of love and I hand my life over to Spirit every morning, that often times I am a mirror that reflects the light of Spirit. This light is blinding to some and they stay away, to some it is a cool salve and healing, to some it tantalizes their curiosity and they are attracted to it but they don’t know why.

Spirit only wants us to be conscious and vibrate with the frequency of love and to do that we must all go through our lessons and if we are awake, we will learn them and move on to the next lesson. But if was refuse to wake up, we will receive the lesson over and over and over perhaps never to awake in this lifetime.

Once you are awake, the lessons become beautiful because even though they are painful and full of sadness, you have faith that what is happening is for your greater good or the greater good of humanity. The lesson you are experiencing could be saving the world…you never know.

The more conscious you are; the less of a karmic footprint you will leave or carbon footprint for that matter.

Be well.


Anonymous said…
This post is nicely stated! Love the last two paragraphs!

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