the fog...

            So Goom and I have been sick for days –home from school and work.  We’ve been in the trenches moving from room to room like phantoms. Thank God for the Olympics.
            This morning I was emailing my boss letting him know I wasn’t going to make it -once again.   Goom wanted to press send after I finished but I forgot -pressing send is so automatic.   
            “Sorry,” I said. “My head is so foggy.”
            “Why? Do you have no sunshine in there?” Goom said with a smirk.

Be well,


brandi said…
~may the fog lift soon...well wishes for you and brightest blessings~
Brian Miller said…
hope you both feel better soon...and the fog disappates...
Until that pesky fog lifts -- enjoy the Olympics!
Oh no! Both sick is not a good thing. Rest,and get well.
Roni Loren said…
:( Hope you guys feel better soon.
Sending sunshine to you both!
Isn't this just the hardest time of year? My 3 1/2 year old has been sick every couple of weeks since last Fall when she started pre-school and I'm getting sick right along with her.

I hear ya!
Natalie said…
I hope you feel better soon. I hate that foggy feeling (but I love that picture!)
kj said…
totally precious....

xxx said…
:( oh so sorry to read you are unwell. Let me share some sunshine with you.
I've been away from blogging for a while, but now I'm back with an
invitation for you over at my place ... it's a creative project that I think may be of interest to you. Come over when you can. There's fun to be had.

be well xoxo Ribbon
GEM said…
We had a bunch of "fog" around here last month. I hope the fog leaves you soon and sunshine and wellness finds you both soon.

Green-Eyed Momster
I love the things kids say. I hope you are both feeling better very soon. Great fog picture! :-)
Deb said…
Hope the sunshine is not far away!
I haven't commented on your blog for awhile so I just wanted to stop in and say hello.

Feel better soon!

I hope you get some sunshine in there. :)
steven said…
i love the simple directness of children. steven
Lisa said…
I think what Goom says, only Goom could have said it.
Boozy Tooth said…
The day that your head runs out of sunshine is the day I cash in my chips.

Mr. Charleston said…
The fog's been blowing around Baja Georgia also. Yuk. Be well soon.
xxx said…
Stacey wake up and come out and play :)

I hope you are busy with all things fun and not busy with being sick....
then on the other hand sometimes we just need to be sick to remind us how fun it is to be well.

love to you and your boy

xx Ribbon

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