Then the fantasy pops! Just like that “POP!” You are left with nothing –shattered.

Not only does the fantasy pop but you are told that you must start seeing beyond your type, aka fantasy. It is suggested you walk away from what you are attracted to. This is the work. This is the process. This is the rewiring. This is why you have a life coach or spiritual teacher. Because you want to learn the lesson and you want happiness and you want to loosen the grip of karma. So you listen to what they tell you.

You listen because deep below the cry of the want and the ego you are able to hear the truth. You go against everything that feels natural to you to shift the paradigm. Life appears twenty-six shades of grey. Fantasy can be quite psychedelic. Fantasy is the drug of choice. Once it is gone. What is left?

-A void.

And Spirit fills the void. At first you can’t see it. It doesn’t fit. You fight against it, not wanting to accept that this is it. You are in detox. You can’t even let yourself imagine the high of the fantasy, although you crave it and miss it, taste it and feel it. The fantasy is bigger, brighter and explodes with brilliance. In reality, it is quiet, subtle and veiled in ego’s perception. At first you don’t trust it. Breathe.

The more you trust, the more you surrender. Then the deeper textures of reality unfold and surface. Before you know it, reality appears much richer than the fantasy ever seemed because there is substance. Reality becomes better than fantasy. Soon the fantasy is forgotten. You are detoxed.



Brian Miller said…
the more you trust the more you surrender...so true...and reality better than fantasy...i love it.
Reality better than fantasy? Duh! What are we children?
steven said…
stacey j this is really well expressed! thankyou. steven
Susan R. Mills said…
Lovely post. I'm all about reality. I'm glad to hear that it's better than fantasy. Every now and again, I start to wonder. :)
kj said…
awww,stacey, i have no problem experiencing the high of the fantasy. that is probably my problem!

i am sorry you have been hurt. when i say i think i understand, it means i know how you feel.

my heart fails to understand betrayal. i know the answer is to shift the paradym as you would say and reframe betrayal--in time let it be a gift--but the letting go even of what was hoped for is hard, and painful, and confusing.

teachers yes.

and time.

here's the paradym shift: hearts don't break, they bounce.

love to you , stacey girl,

beautifully written, as always, stacey - with such insight and sense of direction - a message to us and for us all! thank you for sharing so much of you!
A profound journey indeed.
And once detoxed, breathing is what keeps the ego in check and the wiring strong. The fantasy fades so even the memory of it has no hold because reality shines so bright.
Nevine Sultan said…
And I am working on detoxifying myself, too. Yes, what the imagination creates always seems more beautiful, but sometimes when the imagination becomes the reality, we realize that what we had imagined all along was over-inflated by our minds, and we realize that we don't like it so much as we thought we would. And then our bubble is busted and we're down in the dumps. I'll take reality, with some splashes of fantasy here and there, just to keep things interesting!

Love this substance roll you're on!

Betty Manousos said…
Of course reality is better than fantasy.I loved this post.
Lisa said…
I hope things are working out for you and all your wishes will come through.
brandi said…
~your words took me on your journey...your writing captured me and swirled me around as you went through the turbulence of fantasy to the surrendering and embracing of reality...beautifully written...can we have just a bit of fantasy...cause it is kind of delighful at times!?! brightest blessings~
Sahildeki Ev said…
Very well written. I really enjoy reading your posts, there is always something to think about it...
Robin said…
Im not much for fantasy..I like the real..people..events..places.feelings..this was a great post..!
Mike said…
It is even better when your fantasy becomes reality!
Boozy Tooth said…
Oh Stacey... that last paragraph. Such beautiful thoughts. And so very true.

I love the way you weave your words to show us the texture and substance of your heart.
Shadow said…
reality is better, but i wouldn't want to give up fantasy altogether...
JenJen said…
Stacey, this is another one of your brilliant pieces I have to come back to again and again....
Jeanne Estridge said…
Regarding "rewiring" -- I read somewhere recently that grief releases chemicals into the brain that helps to wipe out existing neurological pathways, preparing us to create new ones.

And I have to say, that matches my life experience.
I am in the process of helping my protagonist find her way, this is helpful to me at this time. Thanks!
Tabitha Bird said…
Detoxed- oh yes! Love that thought.
Anonymous said…
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Debbie said…
I love "the more you trust the more you surrender". Lovely.
Aine said…
Sounds like you've conquered ego-- fantastic! I love that moment of surprise when awareness shows us that the "void" is just a fantasy, too. Keep that feeling of being filled with warmth in those short-term memory circuits. It is always there, we just have to remember it.
Anonymous said…
Fantasy is the drug of my choice. I use it every day. Mostly for self pleasuring, so I know I'll never stop.

Marla Frees said…
Fantasies can become real nightmares if acted upon...THAT is why they are FANTASIES.

It take consciousness to choose to let go of fantasy in order to live a real dream.

keep dreaming my friend

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