to grow...

"You will not grow if you sit in a beautiful garden, but you will grow if you are sick, if you are in pain, if you experience losses, and if you don't put your head in the sand, but take the pain and learn to accept it, not as a curse or punishment but as a gift to you with a very specific purpose." -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross


xxx said…
I think you can grow in a beautiful garden too... it's just that suffering can be used as a tool to push you forward.

Anyway... even in a beautiful garden you can bare witness to suffering ;)

love to you Stacey
x Robyn
Anonymous said…
accept it, not as a curse or punishment ....and that is the true key:)
xxx said…
ps... i once sat in a beautiful garden and a big old magnificent tree fell and crushed the entire front of my home :)

actually i was sitting in the living room ;)
Very thought-provoking post today but I have to admit, some pain I have endured I would have been happy to NOT have grown from.
Jenny Stevning said…
WOW!! That is perfect. That is JUST what I needed today!!!!! Thank you!!
kj said…
i am grateful for your wisdom and honesty stacey girl, and i have to add tonight that aren't we lucky to count robyn among our friends?

love love
becky said…
Hi Stacey, I just popped over from Kathleen's Blog~ "easy for me to say."
Interesting & thought provoking blog you've got here!
Very true. We learn so much more from failures and setbacks than we do from success and good times.
Tabitha Bird said…
Now how wise is that?! Growth doesn't come from sitting in the land of comfortable that is for sure!
Cathy said…
Another way to see things, very nicely quoted...I've seen beauty growing amongst the weeds so who can tell what a true "garden" must be?
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Wonderful words to live by.
kj said…
hello dear stacey, how are you?
are you still growing like crazy?

i am. :)

love love

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