
About two months ago, while driving to work I received a text from Luke, the guy I’d been tormented by for the past year with his love game play -the guy I thought I was madly in love with. I had recently told him I wasn’t going to have sex with him again unless we were committed to each other. I felt we had a future, and I couldn’t take the push and pull.

Around the same time, I was also seeing The Captain again but just as friends. Although I new he wanted more. The Captain had fallen madly in love with me last fall and I thought I was in love with him but I wasn't. It was wishful thinking. Mia had told me a man would open my heart in October. When he popped in around October  I thought he'd be the one and he was. He was the one to show me a different kind of relationship, one based in friendship, trust, love and my heart did open but he wasn't the "one." There wasn’t chemistry and too much baggage.

I open Luke’s text. It reads, “I’m dating my x-wife again...thought I should tell you. After all you have been a great influence and teacher as well.” I throw my phone in my purse.  My hands shake. I pick it up again and start writing something nice and supportive even though I am shaking with anger or sadness.   Every emotion rushes through me like a line of cocaine racing threw my veins to my heart. I call Mia but she is sleeping and in her soft mew mew voice tells me to call back.

I text, “Be well...good luck.” But I know this is probably going to be the last time I ever speak to him so why hold back? Somewhere deep down inside me, I can honestly see how fucked up I am for even caring if he goes back to this woman. A woman who kept is child from him as punishment.

A few minutes later I write another text, “Just remember a leopard doesn’t change its spots. This woman kept you from your son for vengeance. Now you are in bed with her. It is not love. It is image in its truest form...be well. My love to your son who is being used as a pawn.”

He writes back, “lol...”

Then I begin to doubt myself. What if they do think they are truly in love? I’m in image right now with my head way up my ass. Why do I care about this narcissistic asshole? What the fuck?

So I write, “I do pray you both heal through your love for one another...bye,” and I mean it as much as I can in the moment.

His final words to me are, “whatever Stacey...see you.”

That was it. I felt like I had just been through an exorcism –a demon ripped from my body. I was spent, but I also knew it was just the beginning...

stay tuned...


Sounds like good riddance to me. You can do better than him.
Anonymous said…
call me crazy...but sometimes when we think its all done, it has just begun...the lesson continues?

Brian Miller said…
and in the end you are probably better for it...smiles. sorry you had to go through it though...
xxx said…
Yahoo... great to see you're back. I was just thinking about you yesterday and was delighted to see you had posted when I woke this morning.

Stacey what a hard time you're having. Funny how we can get hooked on the bad boys as the ride is like a rollercoaster and we all know how for a short time that can be a lot of fun.
Short time only though as it soon begins to make you feel ill.

I hope you are being kind to yourself and having a loving time with your beautiful little boy who I am sure is growing like a weed... a strong and beautiful child.

love to you
x Robyn
This turkey isn't worth it. You deserve better.
Tabitha Bird said…
Sometimes ripping people out of our lives is the only way to go forward. Hugs to you.
Zuzana said…
Even though this seems like a very sad story about heartbreak and disappointment (which I am truly sorry about...), your ending makes me feel like this is not the whole story and something good indeed happened to you eventually.;)
So I am staying tuned.;)
kj said…
aw stacey girl, i've missed you. i am so glad you are back. i couldn't help chuckling at robyn's comment: i'm still recovering from a 'bad girl'. this guy is not worth you for one second. i think you know that now and yay for that.

as for the captain, you tried. you learned something very important. and you are able and strong enough to stand on your own, until someone appears who offers BOTH passion and reliability.

do you know this book: facing love addiction, giving yourself the power to change the way you love, by pia mellody? i think you might find it interesting.

tsup! stacey


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