the four elements of a joyous relationship...


brandi said… remain with us always...wishing you a wonderful day filled with much luck and magikal blessings~
Anonymous said…
What Im striving for.

Hugs and peace
Debbie said…
That bottom left one looks like my skin after this long winter. I'm pretty sure that isn't what it is supposed to be.
kj said…
i like you more and more every time, stacey. :)
The basic elements in all things.
Dulçe ♥ said…
Beautiful four... I especially like... all of them and those water drops..ah
Loevly post
Anonymous said…
You're right, there aren't too many things, but each one is vital to the whole.

xxx said…
yes ~ to try and have one with someone human ;)

love to you Stacey x
Aine said…
Love it!

Reminds me of the four houses of Hogwarts-- Griffyndor (fire), Slytherin (water), Ravenclaw (air), and Hufflepuff (earth). Also in Harry Potter, it's the main trio who create a whole person: mind (Hermione), body (Ron), and spirit (Harry).

Yes, I'm that big of a nerd!
These 4 are sunshine, chemistry (or grain?), a foundation, and tears? I'm guessing here.

I'd add 3 more elements to create a sphere of 7: 1. the cool shadow under trees by a babbling brook or serene lake; 2. Fire for cooking and warmth, and also to transform all other elements while still being unchanged; 3. metal for protective shelter and the rings that bind. :)
Lisa said…
Beautiful picture. We are made of the earth.
Lori ann said…
So simple and true. Your blog is so pretty and soothing.
x lori
Boozy Tooth said…
That's gorgeous. Fire looks like molten hay.
I think the fifth element also must be there.
If not it could become too suffocating.
Absolutely beautiful! :-)
Anonymous said…
i definitely enjoy your writing choice, very unique.
don't quit and also keep penning due to the fact that it simply just that is worth to read it.
excited to browse alot more of your content articles, enjoy your day :)
Anonymous said…
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