it's done...

Sometimes it takes us several years to face our fears. For the past almost eight years I’ve been too afraid to allow the state of California to decide what’s best for Goom. I have avoided going to court to figure out custody. And for all those years, I took on the burden of scheduling and arranging without support. Until I said ENOUGH -out of complete exhaustion.

It’s done.

Did I get everything I wanted? Yes.

Am I at peace? Yes.

Has a huge weight been lifted of my shoulders? Yes.

Do I feel less angry and more compassionate? Yes.

Our visitation schedule is a court order. It is law. We each know what is expected of us. There are rules to follow.

Now I can focus on just being a mom.

It feels like snow melting and spring flowers blooming.


I'm happy for you! It feels good to have a plan!

Right now, I'm waiting for my daughter to get home from the court ordered Wednesday after school/dinner with her dad by 8pm routine. Which means she is usually home by 8:15. He never could tell time.
xxx said…
I feel very happy for you.
Was great to read this news.

Be well
xoxo Ribbon
How wonderful for you and Goom. Sometimes judges do not make the right decisions for families ... so nice to hear when they do.
Hurray! Good for you! Your trust and willingness to let a court help you has paid off.
Brian Miller said…
glad your flowers are blooming...and there is some settling for you...know thats got to feel good.
Oh, Stacey! I'm so glad you finally let it all go. I know how difficult it is when it isn't a legal mandate. The picture you chose is perfect!

Jon J. Muth is awesome. I have Zen Ties and Stone Soup. I don't have the other one yet, but I will. :-)
Anonymous said…
I am so happy for you and Goom both;) This proves that when you send out goodness and light and peace it comes back to you;)

Tess Kincaid said…
That's wonderful news! Relief, I'm sure! xx
steveroni said…
Snow IS melting, and Spring flowers ARE blooming! All the world is celebrating new life, a new peace in your heart...

I can smell the flowers now.

steveroni said…
Forgot to check to "Email follow-up comments". NOW! (It is done.) Sorry.
kj said…

i went through this too, and the clarity will be good for all three of you. plus i hope you got some extra $$ along with the schedule.

ps. memoir sharing: yes!

The most powerful character arc in a story is the journey of choices from fear to courage. That's what it takes to be a mom.

Congratulations. You've earned your hero badge and now you, Goom, and all, will benefit.

Anonymous said…
That is, of course, wonderful news. It must have been difficult to finally allow it to happen, probably the fear of the decisions being against you, I understand your hesitancy.

brandi said…
~wishing you only days filled with happiness now...stress and pain liberating you must feel releasing all these emotions you have carried for so a new journey for you and yours...filled with much love and light and brightest blessings~
Dulçe ♥ said…
... and I am SO happy for you my dear friend!!1

I love that snow melting letting your flowers blossom...
Natalie said…
Congratulations! That must feel like such a relief. I can't imagine the stress of not knowing when it comes to your kids. I hope the new arrangement will be great for you and him.
Robin Amos Kahn said…
Yay! Congratulations, Stacey. I, too, was so happy to read this post!

What a huge relief...

xox robin
Boozy Tooth said…
High fiving you all the way from Florida.

Hope your "law" works better for you than my "law" did.

Glad you got it hashed out and in writing tho. Good for you. And Goom.

Woot-woot for California Family Court.
Dulçe ♥ said…
There is an award for you at my site.
nice weekend!
Stephanie said…
Good for you! I loved the analogy of spring flowers melting on the snow. So poetic.
Wallow in the peace and joy of motherhood girl!
PS I loved your tips on PMS at La Belette Rouge. She and I are dear friends.

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