seven-year-old logic...

"I can't stop thinking about nothing."


Stunning~Love it! The hair and the quote!
steveroni said…
I'm another peep just SMILING!
Anonymous said…
little dude, way to rock the hair! love it;)
Brian Miller said…
ha. thats awesome...and i love the hairdo!
lissa said…
perhaps it's the hair that's causing such logical thinking, very cute hair
Boozy Tooth said…
Philosophy Major? Or just cool dude with rockstar hair? Maybe both.
Jenny Stevning said…
Kick ass hair! Kick ass quote!
Bev said…
He's thinking like a grown man already! LOL
Much ado about nothing. LOL!
xxx said…
Me too!

xx Ribbon

He's a gem!
brandi said…
~maybe its the age...we did this to one of ours right around seven...what a sweetpea you have...much joy from him i am sure...brightest blessings~
I <3 your blog, the tone, the energy and the color! have a beautiful week, I'll be back~
me, either, goom! me, either!

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