energy update...

Take deep breaths, the energy is accelerating towards the Spring Equinox on Friday and will keep accelerating until the first full moon after, April 9th. This energy is bringing a lot of relationship changes as noted below,

“This inner alignment, Dearest Ones, is affecting especially those who are working with the Twin Flame grid aspect of the Sacred Heart. Many of these relationships are going through a period of testing and transmutation to ensure that the relationship exists in absolute integrity with the Twin Flame template energy. Some of these partnerships will be dissolved, according to the highest good of each soul, and some will be re-formed at a higher level of Light. Beloved Ones, if you are going through any of these painful relationship "re-formulations", allow the process to flow under the direction of your Higher Aspect, and trust that all in the process is for the Highest Good.”

So if you are feeling a lot of soul searching regarding your relationship, you are not alone. Have faith that it is happening for the greater good. I realize these words are hard to hear in the midst of loss but these are the words that mean the most during a loss.

I wish you all peace and love.


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