the new woman...

"The new woman is completely self-responsible and therefore free. She stands on her own two feet, not only materially, but also intellectually, mentally, and emotionally. By that I mean specifically that she knows that no man can give her happiness and flowing feelings unless she herself produces them through loving and through integrity, through opening her heart to loving and her mind to her own inner truth. The new woman knows that loving a man and surrendering to her feelings for the man enhances her strength. (There is no conflict for the new woman between being a productive, creative, contributing member of society and being a loving mate.)" from Creating Union The Essence of Intimate Relationship by Eva Pierrakos & Judith Saly


Very well written but it has me curious about your love life, I see a change in your mindset and I like it!
Anonymous said…
great thoughts...change a word or two and I think this could be about the "New man" as well

Anonymous said…
The new woman is a smart woman. She has become self defensive emotionally, and I am proud of her.

Boozy Tooth said…
I was going to say oooops, but instead I'll say, aaaaaahhhh.
Hilary said…
Quite true.

The woman in the illustration looks like Peggy on King of the Hill (a leftover thought from your previous post). ;)
Gaia said…
Hi dear got something over blog for you. Bless you.
Susan R. Mills said…
Love the thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
This picture is what I felt like early in the kitchen.

Love the New Women, very well spoken and too am curious to your love tell.
Apart from the quotation's assumption that all women are heterosexual, I agree!
Ha, she does look like Peggy, as Hilary points out.

I love what you've done with the place.
I love the image and how it is such a contrast to the quote posted. The over-achieving domestic goddess pictured beside gentle words that flow with self awareness and a touch of defensive "I am woman, hear me roar."

Fascinating. I watch and wait as your inner balance restores into simplicity and joy.

This is a revealing post about your current love life, in contrast to your self-sufficiency as a single mom. You're on a journey to learn the peace within bliss, while past demons toss you how-to lists.

Life and love are easier than what we think we have to create. Every day is a beautiful day and your purpose each dawn is to be happy.
Lizzie said…
Love this post! You sound so incredibly strong and confident. Keep it up! :)
xxx said…
love a man like you love others...

love is the same colour no matter who you are sharing it with...

xx Ribbon :)
Shadow said…
now this is the ideal to strive towards.
Zuzana said…
The new woman seems to be very versatile, accomplished and sounds as if she has it all figured out. I think I am nowhere being the new woman yet.;) Need to work on that.;)
Vijay said…
Hi Friend ur doing an excellent work.. Can we exchange links...
Tabitha Bird said…
Frankly I'd just like to have all those arms!
Brian Miller said…
and that is why we love her...and i agree with stephens comment as well...
Unknown said…
Great description of the new woman and what all women should feel comfortable about being.
Claus said…
<<"The new woman is completely self-responsible and therefore free. She stands on her own two feet, not only materially, but also intellectually, mentally, and emotionally. By that I mean specifically that she knows that no man can give her happiness and flowing feelings unless she herself produces them through loving and through integrity, through opening her heart to loving and her mind to her own inner truth.>>

Agree 100%. As a matter of fact, it's been my thinking for quite a few years now. Great post!
Renee said…
We are women hear us roar.

Love the banner Stacey.

JeffScape said…
Are you in Hollywood? I used to live on Sycamore.
Nessa said…
She looks like me and explains why it feels like my brain is going to explode.

Car Goes Boom
Tracie said…
That picture looks like the way I feel every evening after my kids come home.
Betty Manousos said…
Love the thoughts. So true.
Calli said…
Oh, in agreement with many of the comments above and with the statement you posted.

We as the 'new woman' have a lot on our plates
as you've definitely depicted here with this illustration.
We also have to remember we might want to be a mountain unto ourselves, but a little help now & again does not weaken us.

Lovely post and that photo of your son above is precious!!!

Have a great weekend, Stacey! xo
Anonymous said…
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?

Of course but please let me know who you are...


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