the new woman...
"The new woman is completely self-responsible and therefore free. She stands on her own two feet, not only materially, but also intellectually, mentally, and emotionally. By that I mean specifically that she knows that no man can give her happiness and flowing feelings unless she herself produces them through loving and through integrity, through opening her heart to loving and her mind to her own inner truth. The new woman knows that loving a man and surrendering to her feelings for the man enhances her strength. (There is no conflict for the new woman between being a productive, creative, contributing member of society and being a loving mate.)" from Creating Union The Essence of Intimate Relationship by Eva Pierrakos & Judith Saly
The woman in the illustration looks like Peggy on King of the Hill (a leftover thought from your previous post). ;)
Love the New Women, very well spoken and too am curious to your love tell.
I love what you've done with the place.
Fascinating. I watch and wait as your inner balance restores into simplicity and joy.
This is a revealing post about your current love life, in contrast to your self-sufficiency as a single mom. You're on a journey to learn the peace within bliss, while past demons toss you how-to lists.
Life and love are easier than what we think we have to create. Every day is a beautiful day and your purpose each dawn is to be happy.
love is the same colour no matter who you are sharing it with...
xx Ribbon :)
Agree 100%. As a matter of fact, it's been my thinking for quite a few years now. Great post!
Love the banner Stacey.
Car Goes Boom
We as the 'new woman' have a lot on our plates
as you've definitely depicted here with this illustration.
We also have to remember we might want to be a mountain unto ourselves, but a little help now & again does not weaken us.
Lovely post and that photo of your son above is precious!!!
Have a great weekend, Stacey! xo
And you et an account on Twitter?
Of course but please let me know who you are...