One of my “guiltiest” pleasures is watching The Bachelor or Bachelorette. I have not missed a season. When each new season starts I say I’m not going to watch but then, there I am glued to my TV. I can’t help myself. There is nothing better than observing this Petri dish of human behavior. “Fake” or not these people believe what is happening to them is real and nothing fascinates me more than people in extreme circumstances and finding “love” in six weeks or so is an extreme situation.

This past season it was Jillian Harris as the Bachelorette. She was back after Jason, a single dad from Washington, rejected her on the previous season; it was her second chance to find “love” and she came ready, full of sass! As the season unfolded we all were shocked and dismayed that one of the bachelors Wes, the country singer from Austin, was more interested in furthering his career than Jillian and that he had a GIRLFRIEND. Can you imagine? You could here the gasps and the ratings go up but Jillian kept him around, stating they had a “connection”.

It was truly a great season, full of drama and disappointment and we all sighed with relief when she ended up picking Ed, the “good, stable” guy who had left the show earlier because he feared he would loose his job but then couldn’t stop thinking about Jillian so he came back to win her heart. How romantic? To “love” someone so much that you go back on the show, to win her heart, it’s the stuff of fairy tales.

Oh ladies, please wake up, there is no Prince Charming, and no one is going to save you!

Today at Ralph’s as I was purchasing a couple other “guilty” pleasures, USWeekly and Doritos for a day at the beach, you couldn’t imagine my excitement to see the headline, “BACHELORETTE BETRAYED!” Now don’t get me wrong, I have no ill will towards Jillian and quite honestly I feel her pain. I have had my fair share of betrayal. But I couldn’t wait to read about how “Ed cheated all along – even after he proposed.” I could barely keep from reading it as I drove to the beach.

After putting up the umbrella, laying out the beach blanket and getting out the snacks, I sat down and read while Riley played in the sand. Once done, I looked up and thought to myself, Ed is a sociopath. A sociopath is “a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience”. Not only did Ed cheat but also he went to extremes to play out his deceit, which meant he enjoyed it. Imagine the kind of man it would take to leave a show and lie about the reason why, then go back to Chicago, bang one of the chicks (or both I can’t remember) he was dating and then returning to the show proclaiming his undying love, only to propose and then continue cheating on everyone except one girl who finally wised up to his arrogant ass. He created such a web of lies, it’s no wonder he couldn’t get it up for Jil their first night together, a guilty penis has no flow. Lies stop the Chi.

Lying takes so much effort. There is no consciousness in lying. There is no happiness to be found in lying. His behavior is a perfect example of leaving your karmic footprint. Did Ed not think for a second, he was going to get caught? Did the thought never cross his mind that his cheating mug would be on the cover of USWeekly? I’d like to see him go into a bar now and try and pick up on someone. His arrogance brought him down and he got a lesson he won’t soon forget. I hope he enjoyed those three women because I doubt he will have that opportunity again for a very long time. Sometimes, Karma’s a bitch.

This is the year of accountability, it’s best to speak the truth and live from a place of love and consciousness or you will be held accountable, meaning you will be caught and it will come when you least expect it like being “chosen” on a show as the “one”.


Ken McTaggart said…
I always did feel like TV was a brain

I use to watch that show when I was married, I remember how intense the drama was back then. I can only imagine it has gotten to be even more intense over the years.

Who knows, the way the average person walks around in todays society that dude probably has the chicks throwing themselves at his feet...Think about
Yep, I agree society seems to be misguided these days always looking for what's shinier and prettier, which often means money and fame; never staying still long enough to truly know and appreciate something for it's worth...but I have faith.

Turns out Jillian is staying with this jerk for the time being. Probably until the media is off her back and she can bow out without all the attention. Must be tough. If this is true, picking him makes her have to question a lot about herself and perhaps appear as a fool but really we all get bamboozled at times. Spirit likes to place veils over us when lessons needs to be!

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