consciousness, counting the dead, and global responsibility...

I’m in a mood today. But I’m going to put it on the back burner to hopefully write this from a place of clarity.

It is no longer enough to be conscious on an individual level only. We must rise to the occasion and become globally conscious. We have been spoiled by living in a time of self-involved luxury. Those times are over. As in the quote I posted yesterday by Marianne Williamson, “Spiritual progress is like detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released. Once we have asked to be healed, then our unhealed places are forced to the surface.”

Along with Lisa Renee’s words I quoted on Tuesday, “In order to create inner harmony we can no longer ignore the places we have neglected or abused within ourselves. Every last vulnerability, limitation belief, sore spot, emotionally hurt areas, physical issues are blaring to the surface, demanding our attention..”

Now let’s talk about Haiti keeping the above quotes in mind. Here is a country that has been suffering for many years under corrupt dictatorships that steal from their people. Did you see the Haitian President speak after the earthquake? Did you see the thugs surrounding him? His palace compared to how his people lived? Obviously, something was very wrong. Due to a lack of infrastructure, the people of Haiti were forced to use almost of all of their natural resources to keep warm and cook food. Leaving them with nothing if tragedy were to strike and it did.

Now when we ask to be healed (and we lightworkers have on a global level), “then our unhealed places are forced to surface,” and “things have to come up in order to be released.” The consciousness of the planet is rising and as it rises our attention is going to be drawn to places that need the most healing. It is law. Haiti needed to be healed. The only way it was going to get the attention it needed was for what was unhealed to be forced to the surface - an earthquake as the catalyst.

Yes, there is mass destruction and suffering but it will bring much healing, globally and individually. Without loss, there is no growth. And believe it or not, those souls which passed on from the quake signed up for the job previous to their births. Thank them and release them. Slowly we will begin to think about our world and our planet differently because we are all one. This notion of being an America, European, Indian, Japanese, will one day be silly. The debt of each of these countries will look ridiculous. It won’t matter, does it now with debt in the zillions? Does it really mean anything anymore? This brings me to my next point – counting the dead.

Today I heard six American were among the dead in Haiti. Does it really matter what country the dead are from? This is a human tragedy, let's not make it a national one.

My heart pours out for those suffering through their losses. The pictures bring deep grief to my heart. I want to hold each of their hands, hug them and cry with them.

But what can I really do beyond donating money? I can close my eyes, expand my heart and send love.

We are all capable of healing because we are all capable of love.


Susan R. Mills said…
Nice thoughts. You are right. It makes no difference what country the victims are from. This is a human tragedy.
Brian Miller said…
it makes no difference where they are true.

i just wish it did not take tragedy to wake us up to those that hurt.
Anonymous said…
This is a human tragedy....Just when I think Ive heard every angle on this story, you surprise me with yet another, but unlike allot Ive read, yours is so full of compasion(the real kind, not the fake tv kind) Your heart is so big, Im glad I read this today, thank you for helping to open my eyes.

steven said…
hello stacey j., as i said yesterday, there's no distinction for me between personal and universal consciousness. they are connected. work that refines the inner self flows into the all of everything. sending love and grace in whatever capacity we are capable is an act of quality that echoes through this small world and into worlds melded inside this one. steven
Anonymous said…
Haiti is totally lawless in the streets now, armed gangs roaming.The US military might be there for years.

“things have to come up in order to be released.”

Too many are still living in a global mindset of separation and it is events like Haiti that bring up our need for conscious unity. These events are the only time I feel the media is doing their job in a way that benefits humanity. Coverage of these events broadcasts the need for prayer and compassion, and focuses on those who put it in practice.

The truth is what sets us free, so the hidden truths of victimization in Haiti are being exposed to the light so the darkness can fade.
I absolutely LOVE this post, Stacey. Well said and beautifully said! Tragedy is tragedy, regardless of the who or the where. You said it far better than I could have. Thank you.
kj said…
this is so eloquent, so heart-felt, so appreciated...

Dulçe ♥ said…
this is my poem about today, yes -But I don't entirely agree... although such vision (yours)makes you feel better
Robin Amos Kahn said…
Thanks for that post, Stacey. I have been having very similar feelings and thoughts, though far less articulated.

That was a beautiful post.
xox robin
Jeanne Estridge said…
I had the same thought, that maybe from this tragedy Haiti will have a new beginning.
Betty Manousos said…
Thanks for your post,love it.And Sracey.,, yes, tragedy is tragedy.
I think it's not enough that people send zillions. Haiti has to be rebuilt, it needs infrastructure, an economy, literacy, some acceptable standard of living. This is place, after all, where before the quake, people literally ate dirt to subsist. I say let's get out of Iraq and Afghnistan and the war mentality and do something that really matters.
Renee said…
Stacey thank you for this important post.

People have to do something, everyone has to do something. It is not okay to let this go by unnoticed.

Anonymous said…
Stacey, I thought the same thing. I thought it was sinful to separate the victims by nationality. They are all equal!
Thanks for pointing this out.

Calli said…
Sad subject indeed. I hope your new year, Stacey, is beautiful and love-filled. How can it not be with that cute boy of yours!

I have been absent from blogging for weeks now and am hoping to make up for visits today! :)Thanks for your visits.

Bev said…
Well said, Stacey and right on point.
Natalie said…
I agree, nationality makes no difference. I just think of all the mothers who lost children and children who lost parents and my heart grieves for them.
Lisa said…
Thank you for the good reminders and awareness. Maybe we can't do much for the Haitian but there are many closer at home that also need our love and care.
Tess Kincaid said…
Beautiful post, Stacey. You hit the nail on the head, my friend.
Tracie said…
That last line is beautiful. It says it all really.

xxx said…
Well said Stacey... I hope this reaches many.
xoxo Ribbon
Gaia said…
I am beginning to create a new conscious living for myself, and yes,it should encompass the life around us. Thank you for making this important point. Bless you.

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