relax and enjoy the miracles...

We know so little about what is possible. It is time to sit back and relax into the great unknown. Allow what comes to wash over us knowing it is all for our greater good.

Be cradled in a love beyond comprehension.


Brian Miller said…
peaceful thoughts today stacey...

miracels still happen...
Neat photo! Instead of the Bat Signal calling Batman, is that the Sacred Spiral of Life Signal calling the Divine?
Anonymous said…
Be cradled in a love beyond comprehension.

JenJen said…
oooooh I loved the last line.....
I'm working on picking up the signal...
Bev said…
Love those words of wisdom
steven said…
stacey j it begins in the morning with a sense of purpose - if you allow yourself to be open to goodness in whatever way, shape or form it chooses to enter your life it will. goodness is the outer face of the love that connects everything. thanks for this lovely post!! steven
kj said…
staceygirl, this makes perfect sense to me.

steveroni said…
Stacey, you say so MUCH with so that your road to peace? Because peace sure envelopes me as I read your thoughts

Lisa said…
Lovely words.

Mercy is the love beyond comprehension.
Susan R. Mills said…
Oh, yes. Thanks for the reminder. I needed to hear it tonight.
Tess Kincaid said…
I believe in miracles.

(oops, I thought you had turned your comments off. I couldn't find them! (duh))
Deb said…
beautiful, love this.

(I had trouble finding the comments button too :)
I love this post! Thank you. :-)
xxx said…
endless possibilites... that's what I like :)

xx Ribbon
Betty Manousos said…
Loved the last line, Stacy , so optimistic! You believe in Karma .Don't you? I'm a new student trying to learn more and be convinced.
love and hugs

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