A prayer for those in Haiti...
"Though the words of the works of the human race disappear tracelessly by time or bomb, the sun does not falter in its course; the stars keep their invariable vigil. Cosmic law cannot be stayed or changed, and man would do well to put himself in harmony with it. If the cosmos is against might, if the sun wars not in the heavens but retires at dueful time to give the stars their little sway, what avails our mailed fists? Shall any peace come out of it? Not cruelty but goodwill upholds the universal sinews; a humanity at peace will know the endless fruits of victory, sweeter to the taste than any nurtured on the soil of blood.
The effective League of Nations will be a natural, nameless league of human hearts. The broad sympathies and discerning insight needed for the healing of earthly woes cannot flow from a mere intellectual consideration of human diversities, but from knowledge of men's deepest unity - kinship with God. Towards realization of the world's highest ideal - peace through brotherhood-may yoga, the science of personal communion with the Divine, spread in time to all men in all lands."- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Click here to donate to those in need in Haiti.
"Though the words of the works of the human race disappear tracelessly by time or bomb, the sun does not falter in its course; the stars keep their invariable vigil. Cosmic law cannot be stayed or changed, and man would do well to put himself in harmony with it. If the cosmos is against might, if the sun wars not in the heavens but retires at dueful time to give the stars their little sway, what avails our mailed fists? Shall any peace come out of it? Not cruelty but goodwill upholds the universal sinews; a humanity at peace will know the endless fruits of victory, sweeter to the taste than any nurtured on the soil of blood.
The effective League of Nations will be a natural, nameless league of human hearts. The broad sympathies and discerning insight needed for the healing of earthly woes cannot flow from a mere intellectual consideration of human diversities, but from knowledge of men's deepest unity - kinship with God. Towards realization of the world's highest ideal - peace through brotherhood-may yoga, the science of personal communion with the Divine, spread in time to all men in all lands."- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Click here to donate to those in need in Haiti.
Thank you Stacey for providing a way to help Haiti.
keep on sharing xx
My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected.
love and hugs
doing what we can, praying what we cant.
Rajasthani Turbans