theme thursday "surface"...

“Spiritual progress is like detoxification. Things have to come up in order to be released. Once we have asked to be healed, then our unhealed places are forced to the surface.” - Marianne Williamson

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JeffScape said…
Not to take anything away from the mood you present here, but given the fact that we've both done the Hollywood-living, I keep thinking of coffee enemas.

Maybe I need a detox...
Betsy Brock said…
interesting thoughts...
So true! Sending bright wishes to you and your loved ones, Stacey. xx
Yes, that's true. Spiritual and emotional growth is like peeling an onion, they say -- peel one layer off and oh look, there's another one! Also, tears can be involved in both situations.
Anonymous said…
as always my friend, you give us much to ponder;)
steven said…
everything in us is connected to everything outside. there's no break in the flow of energy. i find that as the world grows so do i. it's all about beng available to that flow of energy. a beautiful post. steven
Nevine Sultan said…
Excellent quote! And how often we linger in those dark places, just because we think we want to stay in pain...

Great quote. When we say, I want to heal, our unconscious is listening - and whoops, there it is - the stuff we need to work on. We just need to view it as a gift.
xxx said…
i agree with this very much :)

nice take on Surface Stacey.

i like the way you think :)

x Ribbon
JoMo said…
So True - when it comes forward, deal with it - but Marianne says it prettier :)
Dulçe ♥ said…
oh dear Stacey,
CAn you believe this? I've just read another quote from the same author in my friend Angeles' blog!
God! What are trying to tell me?
Brian Miller said…
all in the words you say...
Tom said…
do i have to smoke something to understand that?
I completely agree with that saying. I love that saying! Thanks for this post.

I've missed you! I hope you're happy and well and if anything is surfacing, it's a pleasant experience.

Hugs and love,
Mike said…
My mom always says that the key to happiness is pooping! Maybe she has something there? lol
Mr. Charleston said…
You are so right Stacey, spiritual growth IS detoxification.
Susan R. Mills said…
Oh, I love that quote. How true is that? You never cease to amaze me with your thought provoking posts.
So true. This is a very powerful concept, indeed.
I adore Marianne Williamson - I have all of her books. She is one of my favorite Christian authors.

Great quote! "-)
Michael said…
Ive never thought of unhealed ares coming to surface like that but that's true, isn't it? Nice take on the theme, Stacey.

Hope you are well.
brandi said…
~what a wonderful reminder...sometimes we hold in so much when releasing it does such so very true indeed...brightest blessings~
Jessie said…
Hi Stacy! thank you for stopping by my bloghome and leaving some thoughtful words -- very much appreciated. :-)

forcing something to surface, takes it from the darkness into the light -- where i would like to think healing begins.

please come and visit me again soon!

warm smiles,
kj said…
ha! things come up whether they're invited or not.

it's the 'then what?' that tends to wake me up.

Asja said…
beautiful quote! so true!

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