a brief history of my spiritual journey, the end...

I realized only perfect divine faith would save me.

Every morning, I put my life in Spirit’s hands.

I know I am where I need to be at any given moment.

I ask for divine help.

I receive divine help.

I am thankful.

I find miracles in every moment.

I am never bored.

I feel my way through life.

I sense people as energy.

I am source energy and can shift energy, no longer believing that other people’s energy has to effect me.

When something shows up I pay attention.

There are no accidents.

I am not perfect.

I am perfect.

I am human.

I love deeply.

Sometimes I like to get my hands dirty and sometimes I don’t.

I still get lost but not for long.

I always have compassion.

I do not always tolerate.

I have boundaries.

I still get triggered.

I trust my emotions.

I allow my emotions.

The world is translucent.

I live between two worlds.

I am conscious of my issues.

I fall down.

I cry.

I am humbled.

I am God.

So are you.

Thank you for going on this journey with me.

with blessings of love and light,


anupama said…
Dear Stacey,
An amazing post!i really liked the introspection.the lines are so touching and i loved each word.
your post make me so humble and spiritual.
''More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreams of''.
God is with us always n we must be happy n cheerful.DOo keep writing!
wishing you a lovely week ahead,
Gaia said…
Stacey, I was waiting for this. I knew it would be God, but was wondering how do struggle/handle with the problems and people that come our way. This is exactly what I am going through. I feel for you because you are not alone. Thank you. Hugs and Blessings.
Beautifully written! I think we can all relate to certain points you have outlined in your post today. Well done!
Deb said…
Balance is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your journey!
Tracie said…
What a lovely ending to your journey. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Susan R. Mills said…
Thanks for sharing, Stacey. I've enjoyed getting to know you a little better through your honesty.
kj said…
"god dwells within you as you"

ah, stacey, you're a wise woman.

and i for one am glad to be traveling with you.

thank you much,

love much,
Keep walking your beautiful path!
Odd Jeppesen said…
This was a journey, but it's not the end, is it?

I get a few of these right. I'm working on the rest and probably will be for the remainder of my life.
Zuzana said…
Beautiful ending; the sentences are so simple, yet profound. They show that we are imperfect but we are also perfect in many ways and divine in more than one.;)
Betty Manousos said…
Stacey, thank you for your lovely post. I can relate to some points you have outlined.
That was an interesting "journey".
Inspirational, Stacey! We are all energy from the same source. When we learn to `be' and flow with the energy, we find freedom. Thank you for sharing your enlightened journey. Much love and light. xx
Thank YOU for sharing with us.

Greetings from London.
Tabitha Bird said…
Thanks for your honesty stacey, I love reading your words. :)
Surely you have come a long way, Stacey. You're conclusions are true beyond question.

Shadow said…
i love your view on live, love and faith...
Nessa said…
The duality of life always amazes me.

Book Review #5 - Merle's Door
Lisa said…
Submission is Peace.

Thank you for sharing Stacey.
AutoDT said…
Inspiring words...thank you for sharing them with us all...

Have a great day!

Tess Kincaid said…
Beautiful, Stacey. ~x
Brian Miller said…
a beautiful end, or beginning or your story....almost a prayer in an of itself...
MG Higgins said…
A truly lovely and inspiring journey. I'm so glad you shared it with us.
Heather said…
so true, so lovely~
Thanks for sharing your journey.
PixieDust said…
What a powerful narrative! Your journey is amazing...


Roni Loren said…
Sounds like you landed exactly where you need to be. Thanks for sharing your beautiful journey with us.
Anonymous said…
Stacey, you said so much, it's everything.
Laszlo Brown said…
That picture is dope.
Sahildeki Ev said…
Beautiful post..I found so many common things, I think we will meet in same place at the end of our journey :))
yes, stacey, secretia said it all! beautiful, lady!
Michael said…
I;'m glad you are in a better place for you. now, I'm not finding being human as anything but far from perfect! Oh well.

BTw, thank you so much for signing up for the Tea! Look forward to seeing you there.
Claus said…
What a journey! and surely, it keeps going, which makes it all the more attractive and exciting, no? Thanks for sharing. It is nice to "meet" someone honest and sincere for a change in this Internet world :-))

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