julian sands and my first love...

I’m not sure which movie I saw Julian Sands in first. It was either Oxford Blues or A Room with a View. In Oxford Blues he played an elite rower and was Rob Lowe’s main competition until they had to compete together. In A Room with a View, he played George, Lucy’s love interest. He was a romantic poet and took my breath away. I fell in love instantly and as all young fourteen year old girls do, I hung pictures of him on my wall.

A few years later when I was seventeen, I joined our school’s crew team. We were a public school and rowed with the Everett High School to afford the extreme costs of the sport. It was there I met my first love, Stuart. It was love at first sight. He looked exactly like Julian Sands and he rowed just like Julian Sands did in Oxford Blues. It took a couple months for us to get together but once we did, I was complete. I was truly, madly, and deeply in love with him. We were both virgins but not for long.  Our relationship didn't last long but we kept in contact throughout the years.

In 1991 I was doing an internship in Seattle at The Empty Space Theater. One day at lunch, I was looking for a place to eat when I glanced across the street and saw Stuart. My heart raced, I quickened my step to cross the street and meet him at the corner. I crossed the street and ran up to him to discover it wasn’t Stuart, it was Julian Sands. My heart stopped and I almost fainted. Can you imagine, “Oh, Sorry Julian I thought you were my first love!” –too funny. Julian was shooting Crazy in Love in Seattle that summer.

Several years later when I was thirty, I took an Iyengar yoga workshop in LA with Manouso Manos, a senior Iyengar teacher. I was waiting to go into the studio when Julian Sands walks through the front door. I started to shake and walked into one of the dressing rooms to pull myself together. I didn’t know how I was going to focus on class. Of all the famous people, Julian is probably the only one that would stir such emotion in me. Manouso was a very tough teacher so I got focused very quickly and Julian was a very serious student.

A few months later, I did another workshop with Manouso and put my mat right next to Julian’s so I could accidently touch him in poses. And yes, I did touch him, a few times throughout class. This was also the weekend I became pregnant with Cole.

Since then I’ve seen Julian Sands on my hikes up Runyon. I believe he lives in the house right next to the park.  I've lost touched with Stuart.


I just re-watched "A Room With a View" the other day. So, I can picture the young Julian Sands well. It's so awful how money can come between two people.
Sometimes real life is better than fantasy and sometimes vice versa! A charming tale.
Brian Miller said…
what an intriguing story...it was probably touching julian that got your pregnant you know...lol. money between friends...only if you never expect it back. have a great day!
Romance, my heart skipped a beat as I read your charming tale. And Julian Sands is absolutely breath-taking. Who could resist such charm, lucky you.

I wanted to let you know I am hosting a contest this week for a $20 gift card to Amazon plus some really cool books. Stop by and have some contest fun.

Sherry Dale Rogers
Writer, Novelist, Blogger
"Excuse me; does this blog make my butt look big?"
Anonymous said…
I love a room with a view, but I must admitt, I think your real life is better than any movie could ever be;)

steven said…
see i love romance. i love it for the window it opens . . . for the hallways that i can walk along and fling open doors into spectacular rooms with wide windows that open out onto the most unimaginable views. thanks for this. steven
Hi Stacey, that is so neat, that Julian looks like your first love and you have actually met him. Kind of weird but I can understand why this would stir up feelings in you.

BTW, good for you for getting your money back from Stuart and for not holding a grudge. If I had all the money I had lent to boyfriends over the years, I could probably retire or at the very least, get a custom blog page Lol!

Thanks for sharing!
Natalie said…
Oh, how sweet. I loved Room with a View! You do live a crazy life.
Some things transcend money.

I'm glad you got it back though.

I'd like my yoga mat next to Clive Owen's.
My mother used to say, give money to your friends who need it, but don't expect it back. If you do, you've sold your friendship. She knew.
kj said…
What a charming tale, Stacey. More evidence of circle upon circle . My love story is quite a read,at least I think it is, but alas not for publication...I'm not sure who or what I'm protecting at this pathetic point but so it is...

You can write!

Maude Lynn said…
That would be some yoga workshop!
Tracie said…
This was another great story. I jumped to conclusions with your teaser yesterday.
Tabitha Bird said…
Stacey your life makes me swoon! I'd do yoga every day if it meant running into someone so wonderful.

I'll have to watch the movie.
Susan R. Mills said…
Seriously, I can't wait to read your memoir. Your little snippets of your life have me wondering.
Kathleen said…
Swoon! That was one dreamy scene in A Room with A View. Good taste, you!
Shadow said…
this read like it should be a movie on its own...
MsTypo said…
I totally forgot about Oxford Blues. I loved that movie the first time i saw it. *sigh*

So you brushed up against Julian and got pregnant that weekend, huh? :P
Zuzana said…
You should write memoirs! They would make a best seller list in no time.;) I truly enjoyed reading this.;)
Wow, Stacey! And more synchronicity! Would you believe that my brother Mark, who is a rising star in the action film industry, met Julian a few years ago at a party in Hong Kong while working on a film (The Medallion) with Jackie Chan! And, I believe it was some party! ;-) I remember Mark mentioning what a great guy Julian is and I believe he grew up just east of us in Yorkshire. What a crazy small world! xx
Anonymous said…
You are such a good writer, Stacey!
Nessa said…
A wonderful story. It is amazing how interconnected things / people are.

Wordless Wednesday - Pirates' Strumpet

it's possible google reader dropped my feed again

Boozy Tooth said…
Wow Stacey... your first love was not only a Julian Sands lookalike, but you also keep bumping into him (literally and figuratively) more than Kirstie Alley bumps into the furniture. Awesome awesome story and thank you so much for putting a delicate and poetic description to "your first time." Definite LOL's for the parallel sister mentality. You hos. {wink}

So listen, not to take away from Julian's amazing body of work - but wasn't he also the doctor/lover in Boxing Helena? Ha! Bet you didn't know I knew that, eh? You should have seen it coming after my "Death Becomes Her" mention in a previous post. Oh yes.. I see all the substandard B movies a girl could ever hope to see. And I remember them!

Anyway - didn't mean to tarnish your great post with my dopey memories.

You are so fun and full of life and adventure. I love reading your blog and I love you.

See you tomorrow, chica!
Renee said…
Stacey I'm reading along and totally swept up in the story and then I get to as for 'lent him a large amount of money' and burst out laughing.

Love Renee xoxoxo
hey lady - gee, i was over yesterday and read this wonderful post and then got sidetracked apparently cause i don't see where i commented like i'd intended - think i went straight over to amazon to grab a copy of the movie and never made it back! sorry! anyway, neat neat post - as your usual!!!

oh, i put up several new things over at words unsaid that i think you might like so check them out should you be so inclined -

great post, lady!!!
Tess Kincaid said…
Ahh, that barley field scene makes me weak in the knees!
Mary RC said…
can you belive ive never seen a room with a view, so bad. keanu reeves was my julian, i pride myself on how unaffected i am by celebrity, but being in the same room with him was as bad as a nuclear meltdown.
Joanie said…
I'm visiting from Oh My Goodess.

I think I might to rent A Room with A View. I don't think I've ever seen it.

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