
The equilibrating law of karma, as expounded in the Hindu scriptures, is that of action and reaction, cause and effect, sowing and reaping. In the course of natural righteousness (rita), each man, by his thoughts and actions, becomes a molder of his destiny. Whatever universal energies he himself, wisely or unwisely, has set in motion must return to him as their starting point, like a circle inexorably completing itself.

'The world looks like a mathematical equation, which, turn it how you will, balances itself. Every secret is told, every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, every wrong redressed, in silence and certainty.' – Emerson

An understanding of karma as the law of justice underlying life’s inequalities serves to free the human mind from resentment against God and man.

from Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda


Lisa said…
Nice thoughts. If justice is not achieved in this world, which really, perfect justice can't be, there is still the afterworld to look to.
Tess Kincaid said…
Wise words. What goes around, comes around.
Tracie said…
Each man is a 'molder of his own destiny'. I like that. We need to own it!
Anonymous said…
very wise words, makes you think twice about your motives.
Lori ann said…
Thank you for talking about this book Stacey, i've heard you can also get it on tape (or cd) which would be great.
your previous post was so perfectly appropriate with the holidays coming. I'm sure you will find a way to make the gifting special. You have so many beautiful ideas.
Interesting take on the law of kharma although some wrongs can never be righted in my opinion unless the punishment is spread over a heck of a lot of lifetimes.

I love your blog, makes me think!
Brian Miller said…
i used to listen to that song in high school...karma...karma..karma...karmelion..lol.

i am terrible i know...it will probably come back to bite me.
Jeanne Estridge said…
I wonder if it really works like that -- or we just want it to.
Anonymous said…
I don't understand karma, but I feel it.
Today's action tomorrows destiny- Swami Chinmayanandha.

To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction-Newton's third law.
Gaia said…
This word plagues me because all this unhappiness in marriage, death of son, is that Karma. Is this punishment or what? Then if this is Karma, what have I done that deserves a life that from anothers perpective seem to suck, yet I feel blessed. I am so darn confused.
Bless you Stacey.
Mike said…
Never really was a big believer in karma!
Renee said…
Stacey like the words, but the picture, oh my God I love it.

Karma, is that what I'm in the middle of? I'm in trouble. har har

Love Renee xoxo
Ekanthapadhikan said…
I've read that book too though never completed it. But yes. I do believe in the theory of Karma though at times it feels very odd. But I guess, it is, more than any religious theory, a universal truth.
An Ah moment! All is balanced in the Universe.
Susan R. Mills said…
Everyone should think about this as they go about daily life. Karma is not something you want to come back to bite.
Shadow said…
this is nice, may it be so...
Betty Manousos said…
We build our future, but we need a bid of luck!
hugs hugs
Zuzana said…
I too like to believe that the world strives for the perfect balance and we need a little bit of everything to feel good.
Nessa said…
"Sin is its own punishment." - St. Augustine.

We don't always see it, but the universe is perfectly balanced.

Dona Nobis Pacem & Thursday Thirteen
Anonymous said…
I suppose I believe in cause in effect. There is a balance of energy, a balance of motion, but no balance of morality or justice. Humans have the ability to create what we call justice. Nothing is else capable.
surjit singh said…
yes, I agree. We are the masters of our destiny.Thanks for sharing your insights.
God bless.
I quite agree with most of the content, although sometimes the cause and effect can be distorted and not arrive in the manner foreseen, which means adaptability on the part of the wronged person. Great post.

Greetings from London.
kj said…
well, that's a relief!!

that's it! i'm letting go of every wrong ever done to me. the universe can handle it.

fine! i'm done. okay. good.

what? i do? i seem calmer?



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