
That's my dad in the pink shirt and cowboy hat. He fought in Vietnam. Send him love. He's with his mother (97), his sister and her husband. The other woman in the hat is my step-mom.

In honor of Veteran's day I'm sharing this "christmas" tree with you. It left me speechless and I can't stop laughing...who would buy this thing?


Great photo! And OMG that is one PATRIOTIC tree!
Anonymous said…
great pic of your dad....tree? not so much....We must always remember our soldiers...they deserve honor.
Your dad can totally rock a pink shirt and cowboy hat because REAL men do wear pink!
Deb said…
Much love and appreciation to your Dad.

And lol, I can't stop laughing either! If you're taking a poll on the tree-put me down as a no. Thanks for the chuckle! That is definitely the funniest thing I've seen all day.
Nessa said…
Lots of love your way, Stacey's dad.

Wordless Wednesday
An early Christmas tree for everyone who needs one.
kj said…
this is the second or third time i've been on your blog while you've been on mine. what do you think that means? :)

i hope your father hooks up with my father and renee's father.

much love back,
Hi Stacey's Dad! Thanks!

I don't know who would buy that tree, but I am pretty certain they would not invite me over to share some Yule tide carols with them.
f8hasit said…
Your dad rocks!
As do ALL the Veterans. I'm sad that they don't make this a big day. Schools should be off, stores closed. Without the veterans what have we got? Not much.

So a big thanks to your dad!
Anonymous said…
Looks like you found your cowboy.

Obama just announced he is going to call the traditional Christmas Tree a "Holiday" tree....

Perhaps this is the 4th of July one...
JenJen said…
giggle at the tree.
Sigh at the day.
Tabitha Bird said…
Thanks for your comment on my blog. It was nice to wake up this morning to such lovely words.

LOL about that tree.

You have a lovely family :)
Such a nice family portrait and that tree, well Hello! Is it real??!! It's a scream!
How great that your Dad still has his mama. Are you making fun of my tree? :-)
AutoDT said…
My spiritual love to your family!!!:)

Thank you for sharing those pics.

Nevine Sultan said…
Special honors to your dad, all veterans, and all who still serve, on this very special day!

Brian Miller said…
thanks to your dad and all that have served....

nice tree! smiles.
Tess Kincaid said…
Lots of love to your dad, Stacey!! Many thanks to him for his service to our country. ~x
Canarella said…
I want that tree!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I feel good meeting and seeing people in their 90"s.
Tracie said…
Love and thanks to your dad.

That tree is high-larious. Who would buy it? Probably several people in Appalachia. I ought to know.
Susan R. Mills said…
Seriously, who would? But great for reminding us of those like your father who have fought for our country.
Anonymous said…
Im more disturbed by the step mom
Tina Lynn said…
Um...am I the only one who likes that poor unloved tree:)
Maria said…
God bless your dad and other vets..
Sahildeki Ev said…
You have such a cool dad...and a grand ma 97 years old and ready to hit big 100.. Lovely family..
Zuzana said…
Wonderful picture, much love and appreciation send your dad's way all the way from Denmark.;)
Vodka Mom said…
I salute all men and women who put themselves in harm's way......
Vodka Mom said…
and your family totally rocks.
Hilary said…
Certainly not a Canadian.. we'd have to do without the blue parts. ;)

A respectful nod to your Dad.
Mike said…
Thank you to your Dad and everyone else who gave or gives to this country. I cannot imagine what he might have gone through!
Nice to see ur Dad and other relatives.Say hi to them. :)

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