let it go...

Each month I look forward to receiving my Energetic Synthesis Newsletter written by Lisa Renee. (One of the most amazing women I've ever met.) The Newsletter serves as an excellent energetic road map of what is to come and what has been. In other words it is an energy touchstone.

The newsletter is often so complex it feels like it is written in a different language. But within the complexity, simple truths are found like the below - an excerpt from this months newsletter I found relevant.

"Strategic problem solving has flown out of the window and only the "now moment" presence remains. (Anyone still working with a mental pre-planning strategy in micro-managing their life will continually run into obstacle after obstacle, like two steps backward and no steps forward.) We have been given a new control panel for our life and we are now learning how to use it by giving up control!

In order to create inner harmony we can no longer ignore the places we have neglected or abused within ourselves. Every last vulnerability, limitation belief, sore spot, emotionally hurt areas, physical issues are blaring to the surface, demanding our attention. Many times we have been physically leveled to make sure we sit "inside" it and do not run away from it by creating distraction. There is no running away from what we have to face inside ourselves at this time. It has been incredibly uncomfortable for many. We are truly walking the path of forced "self mastery" these days.

This self mastery requires another applied level of a multidimensional lifestyle approach. (How do I serve my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves in an integrated and balanced way?) Many of these intense recent changes are occurring within our foundational life structures which have included: radical dietary changes, changes in biorythym and biochemistry, sleeping and napping patterns, physical or emotional distress, changed working and social interaction patterns, radical turnstile of abrupt changes moving within relationships, residence and jobs. It's very surreal every day, everything happening in the exact now moment (at the 11.9999 hour) with only the flow of synchronicities to direct the way we move throughout our life."

I don't know about you but I have been tested over and over regarding control. I've been shown that it is best to put intention in motion and then let it be.

"Let it go" has become my new mantra.

If you are interested in reading the entire newsletter, learning more about Lisa Renee, or Energetic Synthesis click here.


Lisa said…
Let it go and surrender. I would go with that.
Betty Manousos said…
Inner Harmony and our spirituality may contribute to getting over our difficulties and burdens.
Thanks for sharing, I need to check her out.
Have a great day, Stacey!:)
hugs hugs
Boozy Tooth said…
I am also a firm believer in the let it go philosophy. Not always easy to execute, but always worth the effort.

Thanks for the reminder, Stacey. Love you.
steven said…
stacey j. one of the most unecpected features of growing older has been the growing inclination to not seat the small stuff or letting it go. it's a gift that allows for the flow of life to continue unabated and in a healthier way. thanks for this inspiring and reminding post! steven
Anonymous said…
Your new mantra of "Let It Go" is the best thing for you!

Brian Miller said…
letting it go has been one of my greatest burdens...
Tess Kincaid said…
...and go with the flow! :^)
`Let it be' is a good philosophy in many ways. Hope you are in wonderful spirits today. xx
brandi said…
"In order to create inner harmony we can no longer ignore the places we have neglected or abused within ourselves." such a powerful phrase...thank you for sharing such a beautiful article...left many thoughts to ponder...brightest blessings~
Claus said…
In my younger years, I had always been concerned about the *tomorro*. I was VERY streesed out thinking how to control the future so that it wouldn't take the wrong turn and hurt myself. It was very tiring, and took half my day and energy. When I started college, I decided to stop it. It was hard, and I still have *moments*, but I have managed to enjoy the now, and get the most of it, no matter how it comes. VERY interesting article! thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
let it go...words to live by
JenJen said…
I am coming back to read this again when I am in a less funky crap mood.
Terrific post. I couldn't agree more with Lisa!
Susan R. Mills said…
Yes, let it go. I think this is most important.
Dulçe ♥ said…
Oh yes... thanks for the mantra... I was starting to get confused and guilty!
Tracie said…
As I get older I'm getting better at this.
I'm glad you included "set an intention" then let it go. I feel that point is very important in this message. Set the intention for health, happiness, love, guidance, awareness, peace within and joy in the moment.

Details of the day will continue, as long as we are living life, and it is to notice them then choose an intention then trust our highest good will manifest from the flow.
xxx said…
I like what you are saying here.
I believe that we all need to master letting go so we can all move forward onto a better way of living.

The more we practice letting go the easier it gets.

This is something that I try to be conscious about in my daily living and I'm a long way from being a master... but I'm better... more at peace, for the experience.

love to you
x Ribbon

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