
Several years ago before I had Goom, I dreamt I was given a child about age six to take under my wing and pour love into -only to realize later in the dream that the child was me. I was given the opportunity to see how I was neglected emotionally as a child. I realized at that moment what it is to love and protect a child.

About a year and a half after Goom was born, I went into therapy to get help with adjusting to life as a single mother. I had just gone through a break-up with a great too- young-to-be-a-daddy-guy, my best-friend had moved away and Baby’s-daddy had fallen in love with a woman only interested in impressing him which meant acting like a mother to my young child. It was too much to handle on my own.

During one session we were talking about my history with men and lack of value for my-self. It didn’t come out this tidy. It was more like this -you’re playing Russian roulette with your heart, sleeping with men in hopes of getting love, trusting that they would take care of your heart in the process. I was one messed up girl, so desperate for love that I basically became a whore for it.

I didn’t realize what I was doing until my therapist said, “Would you let this man take care of your baby? Would you just leave your baby on the front steps and hope this guy takes care of it?”

I guffawed and rolled my eyes. “No!”

“But you’ll do it with your heart, which is just as precious as your child.”

This stopped me in my tracks. It seems so obvious now but at the time…I wasn’t taking care of myself. I never knew how to. I was never taught. In my family, I was the scrap metal beaten by the wrecking balls of my family’s anger. By the time I left, love looked like being emotional abused.

Many, many more years later, in fact just this past spring, after much spiritual work and life coaching, I met a man who I thought might be the one. I’d had a feeling for several months that I was going to meet someone in May and I did. We got along like a house on fire and we both had some intense emotions. However, my heart once again leapt before I was able to check the foundation of this man’s house. I saw the red flags but wasn’t able to break it off, not for several weeks. I didn’t understand why I would have such a strong intuitive feeling about this man and the timing of our meeting. I didn’t understand the lesson I had to learn. I had shifted into an old paradigm.

The only way to shift out of a paradigm is to shift your self within it. This is no easy task because even though the paradigm most likely doesn’t feel good, it is familiar and with familiarity comes comfort. This is why people say change is the hardest thing to do. Our paradigms are formed when we are children so they are at our core. It is that old adage -say no to the old so the new can come in. I was forced to make a different choice. I was forced to say, no –you aren’t allowed to treat me like this. I am worth more even though my heart and soul wanted him. If he loved me than I’d be worthy –that is the paradigm.

I didn’t think I would need this lesson again. I’d had a different dating experience. I knew what it was like to be loved. After all the reading, therapy, work I’d done I thought it was in the past but here it was again. This is the thing -until we experience the shift emotionally we don’t get the lesson and it will be repeated. This is about the heart and the soul not the brain. Being book, lesson, therapy smart doesn’t make the shift –we have to be in life, interacting, and experiencing it with other people from our hearts.

I’m always in awe of Spirit handing me the perfect lesson for my growth. I have complete trust and faith and with it comes unwavering peace. I might not always get what I think “I” want but Spirit knows what would truly make me happy if I only allow myself to surrender.


Anonymous said…
Funny, I was just asking someone today why we seem to have to continually repeat over and over these "lessons" in life...reading this helped make sense of it all...a true ah ha moment

thanx friend;)
Nevine Sultan said…
I think you speak for many people, Stacey. Many times we find ourselves in situations where we're wondering why it is we aren't getting what we think we need. Life always has its own way of presenting us with exactly what it is that's necessary for us to take our next healthy step, even if we don't realize it.

It's good that you are now able to step "outside" of those past experiences and write about them. That doesn't mean that they're no longer painful; it just means that you've grown. We all grow like that... painfully but surely.

Gaia said…
Awesome post Stacey. I had read a post from one of my blogger friends CoolDeep. check out the post "". It pertains to change and suffering. Both need not go together. It's all in our minds. Bless you dear. :)
Brian Miller said…
wow. great post. i know many that need to hear that conversation.
Cathy said…
Stacey my dear I would've loved to comment on this but I can't see it, the white text on light beige backround I guess. So you have my greetings on this visit, whilst I know not a word of what you've said lol.
christina said…
i appreciate this post. your words are amazingly honest and gentle.
Great post. The important thing is to keep trying to break free of old patterns and you are doing that. Good for you!
Zuzana said…
To know ourselves well is the most difficult task of them all. One of the greatest achievements in life is to understand what exactly we are all about. It takes often a life time to reach this goal, but I think you are well on the way.
Sahildeki Ev said…
Life is all about learing and re learning our lessons isnt it? This is a beautiful post, thank you..
Betty Manousos said…
Stacey , you as many of us have been through bad situations but you survived trusting your spiritual tendency to learn youself and the cosmic True.
Love your post, I took a lesson today. lovexx
Boozy Tooth said…
I think a lot of us might see ourselves in this post. I know I did.

You are one powerful writer, Stacey. And your message is always one of hope, trust, and faith. I love that.
Another inspiring post, Stacey, and a reminder that life / spirit keeps those experiences coming until we are able to move beyond. Thank you for bringing love and light into the world. You are a sparkling presence, dear one. x
Natalie said…
What a hard thing, Stacey. It's frustrating when things don't work out like we hope, but it sounds like you've learned a lot from this experience. Life is a difficult teacher, but a good one.
JennyMac said…
But you’ll do it with your heart, which is just as precious as your child.” WOW..this is an amazing and incredibly true statement. Thank you for shairng this story.

and will you link your email to your blogger profile? Pretty please? I tried to respond to one of your comments and got "no reply at blogger" as your email. :)
There is so much wisdom here, Stacey. We all have lessons we must learn repeatedly in this life. I don't know if we ever get them right, but we are continually given the opportunity to learn them.

You said with grace and beauty what so many of us experience.
LarryG said…
isn't it amazing how what needs molding within us gets the attention it needs, when attention is paid.

Great word here!
Angie Muresan said…
It's eerie how this post speaks to me. I am trying to break free of people that drag me down. Not listening to my intuition when I know that it has never failed me. So glad I found you.
You had a gifted therapist. But it's up to us to sludge through and make those changes, changes that don't come easy.

A friend told me that she had been programmed and she needed new software.
ah, yes, life's lessons - and no matter the tools or how many - it is still up to us to pick up the hammer and hit the nail on the head - like nevine said, you do speak to many of us here, if not all of us - and for that, we thank you - your honesty and courage are to be commended!
Lisa said…
Surrender to the Source of Peace and by His willing, you will find peace.
It's amazing how similar our lives have been at times.

I've missed you and your posts.

Big hugs!!
MaryRC said…
that still small voice of the spirit can be so very hard to hear. slowing down the mind, slowing down the heart and bringing peace to the soul, doing these three things and the spirit comes through.

beautiful post thank you for sharing.
tattytiara said…
That is wondeful perspective. Yes, always treat yourself as well as you would anybody else you love.
Marla Frees said…
I want black font...I am old and cant read ;)
Marla Frees said…
MY GOD I CAN READ AGAIN...thank you oh brave one
Anonymous said…
That is a fantastic question "Would you let this man take care of your baby?"
Anonymous said…
Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
Nessa said…
Rabbit, Rabbit

That is a very profound way of looking at things. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Aine said…
What a fantastic description of Imago! Yes-- you don't shift yourself out of the old paradigm (you can't). Instead you find a partner who fits the paradigm and is interested in going through a healing process with you.

Have you ever seen Al Turtle's website? If not, you might enjoy reading his thoughts on the Map of Relationships and our "Lizard" (our reptilian brain). I just wrote a post about his latest podcast, with links to his site.

Keep going, Stacy-- you are such an inspiration!
Anonymous said…
Well I assent to but I contemplate the post should prepare more info then it has.

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