welcome to the neighborhood...

Today the Goom and I went for a stroll to share our neighborhood with you...

Our building...

Our street, seen from sunset...

a very spooky house on our street...
(anywhere else this house would keep me from moving into the neighborhood but not in LA)

Goom (in hoody) on Sunset...

local businesses...

this is why i love Hollywood, this man is walking his bird...
see him in the back-pack...I mean cage?

i've had a love-hate relationship with this city but roses in october, need I say more?


Odd Jeppesen said…
Thanks for the tour. What a cool idea. Of course, now I want more.
You make L.A. look exotically wonderful and to my way of seeing things that is a HUGE compliment.xoxo
Clare said…
I loved this post. Felt like I was down there. I love the spooky house and the man walking the bird? Would never have believed it.
O-Zone - no worries, there will be more! LOL!

Belette, I know how much you hate this place and I completely understand so I am so thankful for the huge compliment!

Clare, I know...a bird? Goom said there's a bird and I was focused on trying to capture images so I didn't pay attention. Then he said it again and then I saw it...well, it was perfect and unbelievable...

Hello there, Stacey. Thanks for the photo tour. Wishing you lots of happiness and magical moments. x
Betty Manousos said…
Your neighborhood is wonderful!
I love the spooky house.
Walking a bird? Unbelievable!
Happy Sunday!
hugs hugs
Sahildeki Ev said…
You have a very nice building.. Thanks for the tour..
Oh, I loved that tour. And what I liked the most? Not one celebrity in sight. Which makes a big change. You showed us part of the soul of your neighbourhood and that's more than enough. And the closing shot was amazing, roses in October. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Jo Potter said…
Hi Stacey,
Thank you for your weird and wonderful post, about the area you live in. I was wondering, what is the history of the creepy house and why no one lives there anymore?
It would look beautiful, redecorated and looked after. Maybe it has a few ghosts!
The man walking his bird...Now I have seen it all!!
I get strange enough looks walking my cat on a lead. Bird walking is going too far!
Hollywood is certainly an unusual place to live but at least it is inspiring for your writing!;)
Love, Jo.x
P.S. Thank you for your lovely comment.:)
Robin Amos Kahn said…
Love your photos. My relationship with Los Angeles is filled with so many emotions (love and hate.)

What I miss most is walking in the canyons and the flowers all year round.

I lived on Harper Avenue between Sunset and Fountain for twelve years.

Thanks for the memories.
Anonymous said…
How is your weekend going?
Cool! (The tour, not your weather!)
Ekanthapadhikan said…
Hi! Thanks a lot for visiting my blog. And we do seems to be following the same blogs. So let us not break the chain.

And the pics. were really beautiful. I really liked the man giving his bird a walk!
ladytruth said…
It felt like snippets from a movie, a little bit of everything. The kids must love that spooky old house and all the mystery it holds ;)
Lakshmi said…
Thanks for the tour and for dropping by..have a great week
Susan R. Mills said…
Love the pictures. I wish I was there. It's so cold in Kansas right now!
JoMo said…
Great photos! It's great when our town is interesting, quirky & contradictory - makes us fit in! As for the roses, wow, very cool!
Chief said…
What a great post for me to be introduced to!
Unknown said…
OH MY GOSH! I love your tour! What a fun street! I think the spooky house looks kind of creepy! Like it has many stories to share : ) Walking a bird in a cage. You just gotta love Californians! What a fun post!
Mike said…
When you say your building, is it like an apartment building, or is it "Your building"? LOL! if that is your house, could I have a few bucks? LMAO!!!
Natalie said…
That was cool! I've never heard of walking a bird before. The world needs more eccentric pastimes.
Deb said…
Great tour! What a beautiful and interesting neighbourhood.
Gloria said…
Jaywalking . . sorry, not funny! Great posting and yes, roses in October . . that will do for me!
Anonymous said…
I wanted to say I like the look of your neighborhood.

Anonymous said…
What a marvellous insight. Thank you so much for posting these pictures.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for giving me come along on the walk. Great photos!

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