a brief history of my spiritual journey, part 3...

Mia is a psychic-medium.

I was on antidepressants, seeing a therapist, and dating an older man to pass the time when I first met her. It was my 35th Birthday.

During our first visit I was in the hands of a higher power who reached out to me through her. I felt loved. I ate vibhuti. Faith was initiated.

After, I went off the antidepressants. I stopped seeing my therapist. I broke up with the older man.

Then I met an astrologer. I was told I must write a book and that I had a figurative corpse in my house. I was also given a spiritual “workout”.

My home became a three-ring circus of dance, candles, meditation, lights and gemstones, as I did exercises by rote to shift my energy.

I read, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, The Hicks, Marianne Williamson, Course in Miracles, Creating Union, How to Get the Love You Want, books on healing and working with your guides and angels.

Chop wood, carry water was the message I kept getting from Mia. It didn’t make sense.

During this time I was laid-off my job and struggled with the idea of staying in LA. I wanted to leave, thinking my happiness was somewhere else. I wanted a break from it “all”.

I felt sorry for myself and acted like a child. Mia metaphorically scrubbed me and I sobbed like a baby. I wasn't allowed to hide in the dark. Every corner was lit with truth.

I stayed in LA. Worked in a warehouse and wrote a screenplay. My screenplay was acknowledged.

Unaware, a village began to form around me.

In September 2007 I started my blog.

In October 2007 I fell in love.

In December 2007 I got engaged and was hired for a very good job.

In January 2008 I realized my boss was a tyrant and my fiancĂ© had “issues”.

In February 2008 I broke it off with my fiancé.

In July 2008 I moved to a bigger place, got a new job and quit my very good job with a tyrant boss.

During all of this Mia read my blog. My blog was deeply personal. I had no secrets. There was no place to hide.

I found myself asking, what would Mia say to this? Her response was my captive intuition. With each silent answer, I began to hear my intuition.

If I had been able to hear my intuition none of these events would have taken place.


I realized nothing was going to save me. Not a man. Not my writing. Not the perfect job.

Then I realized there was one thing that could save me.

to be continued tomorrow...


Michael said…
I always find that interesting--following one's instincts or guy, as it were. Me? i don;t trust it. it lies to me. the flesh is very deceptive. If I followed waht my instincts say i would have done even more foolish things that already! It must be a woman's thing! Ha.
Brian Miller said…
saw over at OMG that you are stil under the weather. hope you get to feling better soon. quite the journey...coming to a point in the stirpping away...until next time...
steven said…
hello stacey j. i hadn't read the preceding pieces of this unfolding story. so i went back. it's astonishing what it takes to get here from there. it's also fascinating to be able to see the arc of your life in relief against the backdrop of time. i think your brave to open this out. have a peaceful evening. steven
You are not afraid to expose your underbelly, very refreshing. Can't wait to hear more.
Wow Stacey, so well written! I will definitely be following along, hope you checked out my sister's blog, I think you guys have a lot in common.
Anonymous said…
Stacey, that is a beautiful story..need to see the rest when you write it. Thank you, Secretia.
Every experience that happens to us is part of our spiritual journey, isn't it? Looking forward to Part 3!
I'm on the edge of my seat. We have been on a similar path...we definitely read a lot of the same books on our journeys.

xxx said…
Very captivating Stacey :)

love to you and I hope that you're feeling heaps better x Ribbon
Anonymous said…
Cliff hangers....argggg, I cant wait;)

seriously sounds like I need Mia..

Tracie said…
I hope you're feeling better.

Can't wait to hear the rest!
kj said…
HA stacey. i know what will save you! but i'll keep my opinion to myself until you've spun this wonderful tale. you are really truly a good good good writer. i am pretty tickled we have found each other!

and now that you know from my blog that i;m not above literary humiliation, will i still merit your 'much love' signature. because i like it and it makes me smile.

:) (see)

Really good. Where's the book? This has all the markings of a spiritual memoir.
Lisa said…
I have to go back and read part1 and 2, I'm sorry I've missed them, not sure how I did that, but so looking forward to part 4.

Life is a sacred adventure.
That Janie Girl said…
Girl~making us wait like that.

I can tell, it's going to be an amazing story!
Odd Jeppesen said…
And here I was thinking that I'd gone through many spiritual changes. You make me look as if I've been sleeping. Come to think of it, maybe I have.
Zuzana said…
Your writing is so very candid and very emotionaly charged. It takes courage to share such intimate details.;)
I am so amazed that you got engaged only after a few months.;)
I am looking forward to the next part...
Vodka Mom said…
I can't wait for the next chapter.

pass the popcorn.
Shadow said…
how about you could save you...
Betty Manousos said…
Hi Stacey, Hope you feel better.
Your life story is fascinating!
I 'd like to ask you, after all these did you finally find hapiness?
or what the secret that makes us happy.
hugs hugs
Roni Loren said…
Hope you're feeling better. You're definitely keeping us coming back to hear the rest. :)
MG Higgins said…
I went back and read parts 1 and 2 and now I'm quite hooked. I love reading about spiritual journeys, and I know from personal experience that LA is a good place for them. Thank you for your courage in sharing these inner experiences!
Robin Amos Kahn said…
Me too, I can't wait till tomorrow morning!! Well done, definitely a cliffhanger.
Deb said…
What determination you have!
Gaia said…
wow Stacey, I have no words. I am listening attentively so please carry on. Did God save you? Blessings
very neat traveling journal, lady! love your writing style!!! can't wait for next!
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