today's magical moments

sleeping in

my first cup of tea

snuggling with goom when he first woke up

meeting Laura Linney and listening in on her conversation with Goom about ballet

having two men help me jump start my car after two men said they didn't have time

wiping Goom's tears at the end of Where The Wild Things Are and then wiping my own

receiving an email from A telling me how bravely honest I was and that he was wistful reading my post

kissing Goom goodnight

p.s. I hope your day was also filled with magical moments...


Sahildeki Ev said…
So sweet...hope you will find many more magical moments every day..
Gaia said…
Not much magic today, just the usual Sunday chores and church. I just realized I have the same lousy luck with my choice of men, like you do. So sad. LOL.
Gabriel said…
What a day! Sounds brill. We just woke up to a sunny sunday after my boy's third consecutive (and third ever) full sleep through the whole night. Giggles and celebrations all round in the morning. Life is good!
Vodka Mom said…
I love that you have slowed down the hands of time JUST a bit to allow you to see those magical moments.

lovely post.
Zuzana said…
What a lovely, reflective post... I try to find a magical moment in every day and there are plenty of them, if we only look.
Wishing you a magical Sunday, mine is almost over.
Drahdrah said…
Thanks for stopping by today. I love your Magical Moments post, that's exactly why I created the Things I Love meme !!! If you'd like, sign the Mcklinky so that people reading my post can get to this one too.
Lisa said…
Magical indeed Stacey.
Nevine Sultan said…
Those are magical moments, indeed. I share with you... sleeping in, a cup of tea. It's wonderful how small moments can make such a big difference in our lives. Have a great Sunday, Stacey!

Wow, sounds like a wonderful day!
:) Wish you many more wonderful days with such magical moments!

17th October was wonderful for me too.

Went to temple because it was Diwali. Sang a few songs I had written in praise of Lord Rama,in front of him. It made me so happy. :)
Anonymous said…
awwwww yes, I think that is what makes every day magical, cherishing each and every moment...

be blessed my friend
Deb said…
I love that you take the time to reflect on and embrace your moments. That's magical!
I love your Magical Moments post! I love that A read your post and he was touched by it.

I don't like to hear that there were tears at the end of the movie. Unless they were happy tears?

Happy Sunday and hugs!!
Brian Miller said…
a truly magical day. cant wait to see where the wild things are!
so happy for you! you deserved all the magic of it and more! my daughter read alejandro wild things today - he's three now and told her that the toy that came with the book scared him so she sat with him and they made friends with wildthing and then all was well! love hearing the tales of your days, lady! have a wonderful remainder of the night!
Boozy Tooth said…
Hi Stacey!

Just returned from my travels to NY and my first order of business is catching up with my favorite blogs. It feels like I've been gone forever! I've really missed everyone so much and am happy to be back home in Florida.

It snowed while I was in NY - which was a fun treat, but it made me realize I've completely forgotten what real cold is like. Brrrr!

Beautiful post, btw... I didn't think Where The Wild Things Are was a sorrowful movie. You've intrigued me. And I loved all your magical moment. Lucky girl.
ladytruth said…
I would love to hear more about Goom; he sounds like a great son and a little boy to be cherished. It seems like you guys are enjoying all the time you are spending together. Great to read.
Anonymous said…
I know what you mean about sleeping through the first cup of tea while waking up. I do it withthe first 2 cups of coffee.

Thanks, Stacey!
xxx said…
why tears after reading 'where the wild things are'... i love that book :)

magical moments.... yes everday as I don't think I could survive my life without them :)

x ribbon :)

I like what you share :) thank you
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing the magic. :)
OMG! You saw Where The Wild Things Are. I can't wait to go. And you met Laura Linney too boot? She's such a fabulous actress, I can only imagine that she's a fabulous person as well.
PixieDust said…
Those beautiful, magical moments are what keep our hearts beating, yes?


Betty Manousos said…
LOve your magical moments:)