family of light...

"In order to stop the secrecy and deceit on Earth, each of you must be willing to claim your great inheritance, your ability to feel. Have compassion for the ancestors of the last few thousand years whose fear-imprinting you now carry as great armor. Remember the test of all ages is always about the choice between producing the frequency of fear and the frequency of love. This is an important concept for you to understand because for a time you can create this frequency on Earth. You must learn what you have in common with one another and then to unify. You will learn that what appears to tyrannize you, from inside or outside, is really there to test you. What frequency will you produce? Who will you be? Once you learn to produce the frequency of love, and learn to maintain and continue to be self-sustained by it, will you share it with others? Or will you write of its secrets in your books, as some of your ancestors did, and keep it hidden away. "

from "Family of Light" by Barbara Marciniak

I vow to always share my frequency of love, if it eases one second of suffering in another, it is divinity. This is the meaning of life...


Anonymous said…
Stacey, that is so nicely said.

Wow! This is so inspiring.
Captain Dumbass said…
There's something magical about seeing the Earth from that height.
Susan R. Mills said…
A beautiful post as usual! I always feel inspired after stopping by here. Thanks.
The earth is so beautiful...I honestly pray for her everyday (sounds crazy but I do)...

I'm so blessed that you find this blog is is my intention.

Much love,
PixieDust said…
What a beautiful sentiment...


Nevine Sultan said…
That's a very deeply spiritual quote. Thank you for sharing it.
Roni Loren said…
Love getting daily inspiration over here. :) You have a great outlook.
Mike said…
Very deep thoughts! I love that you worry about the Earth so much. I think that we all need to.
I choose to connect to the love I know is inside of each one of us. Even when they are not showing it to me.
Brian Miller said…
yes, i believe it is and endeavor to do so myself...
Deb said…
'Only the supremely wise and the ignorant do not alter' Confusious

Beautiful thoughts as always Stacey
Zuzana said…
Very beautiful and poignant.
Tess Kincaid said…
I love this.

(also love the Sowa in your previous post!)
Betty Manousos said…
So deep thoughts . BEAUTTIFUL!
Keep doing baeutiful wortk!
hugs hugs
Betty Manousos said…
So deep thoughts . BEAUTTIFUL!
Keep doing baeutiful wortk!
hugs hugs
Debbie said…
Yes! I'm in a study group and we discussed almost the same thing this past weekend.
Robin Amos Kahn said…
Your post came to me at just the right moment. thank you.
xox robin
What a beautiful post! Very touching and inspiring. I feel the same way about our beautiful planet!

Hugs and love,
simply breathtakingly beautiful!!! truly!

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