ask me mondays...

Welcome to the first ask me Mondays. Where you can ask me anything! Today I’ll be answering questions from last week.

1. “What prompted this forum?” –asked by Betty and Pixie Dust
To be honest, I don’t know. The idea came to me and I went for it. I thought it might be interesting. So far so good, except my first answer is I don’t know. Oh well.

2. “What was your ‘BIG’ turning point or most profound spiritual experience?” –asked by Steven Anthony, Carol Anne, and Sophia
I wish I could say there was one a-ha moment when everything came together and I saw the “light” but it wasn’t like that. (It would have been so much easier.) I’ve always been a seeker and my journey began the day I was born. Shri Ramesh also asked about my Spiritual ideology and from where and when did it begin so I’ve decided to write a separate post about this. I will post it this week.

3. “How do you deal with shallow, morally-challenged types? Or do you have to?” asked by Elizabeth Bradley
Luckily, I don’t have to deal with these types too often. If they do cross my path, they usually don’t stick around too long because I blind them with my light of truth.

4. “What moment of your life would you want to capture and relive again?” –asked by Brian Miller
Awhile ago I had a kiss on the beach that absolutely melted me in the moment, nothing else existed and time disappeared…I would relive that right about now.

5. “What is your biggest writing strength? The weakness you’re trying hard to work on?” –asked by Angela
My strength is I self edit (probably too much) so I need to allow myself to stay in moments longer, which in turn is my weakness.

6. “Are you a coffee or a tea person?” – asked by Ocean Girl
I am definitely a tea person but wasn’t always. I never thought I’d give up coffee but the caffeine affected my yoga practice so I quit.

7. “What caused you to recently start calling yourself a writer?” –asked by Roni at Fiction Groupie
Because I finally know that if I didn’t have a job, I would write. I always questioned this before. I also was never comfortable calling myself a writer when I wrote screenplays.

8. “Where do you see yourself a year from now?” –asked by Susan R. Mills
Great question, I see myself finishing my book and hopefully in love, with continued health for myself, friends and family.

9. “Is your car, your favorite color?” –asked by Green-Eye Momster
No it is not. My car is black and I love all colors. I can’t pick just one.

10. “What makes you cry and your favorite way to spend time?” –asked by KJ
Almost everything makes me cry (in a happy way), especially love. If I were a Saint I’d be known as the crying saint. Whenever I work with people in Matrix Energetics, I cry. I will also cry if someone else is crying. My favorite way to spend time is with people I love. (KJ, I’ll write a post about passion just for you.)

11. “I would love to hear about your village – how you began creating it and how it supports you. Maybe you could offer advice on how others can create or find their own.” -asked by Therese
This is a great question. There’s a lot of information to cover so I’m going to write about this in a separate post.

12. “What is your favorite silent film and why?” – asked by Fireblossom
Don’t kill me but I don’t have one. I’ve never been a big fan of the silent film. In Hollywood there is a silent film theater…I’ve never been. Maybe I need to change that.

13. “Do you wear shoes around your house and do you cook your own Thanksgiving turkey? Favorite ice-cream? Do you have any conservative Republican friends?” –asked by Ces
I do not wear shoes in the house. In fact I have a no shoe policy. The city grime is yucky. I sometimes cook a turkey but most often not. We go to friends for Thanksgiving. My favorite ice-cream is chocolate peanut butter. I have a couple friends who are Republican but I don’t believe they are conservative.

14. “Will Hollywood soon be run by a single large conglomerate?” –asked by Monkey Man
I’m not an expert but I doubt it. However I fear the world might be so perhaps yes.

15. “When did you start calling your son Goom?” –asked by Deb at RG Ramblings
I started calling him Goom when he was just a baby and it started with Goomba Goo but was shortened to Goom. I’m sure someday he will ask me to stop.

16. “What do I do in the industry?” –asked by Otin
I did film restoration for several years at MGM and now work in International Servicing. I’m a bit of a master at what can and can not be done to films. My claim to fame is figuring out how to re-cut the original negative of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang so it matched the audio. (It’s a very small claim.)

17. “Does the amount of TV and movie work done up in Vancouver effect the business down there?” –asked by Captain Dumbass
YES! A lot of people here are out of work. LA is very expensive to shoot in so a lot of the work goes to other places. That is why BD (baby’s daddy) is in New Orleans for three months.

18. “What is your cultural background?” – asked by Ribbon
I’m 100% American and white. My family fought in the American Revolution. We’ve been here a long time but before that we were in Germany and England.

We did it! We made it through all the questions. I hope it was fun for you. Please ask me some more for next week. This was a blast!

Remember nothing is taboo…


Brian Miller said…
nicely done and some great teasers for post soon to come. ay you recapture that kiss someday soon. lots of fun stacey!
Roni Loren said…
Great answers. Thanks for sharing! I may need to do this on my blog soon. I don't share very much about myself in my normal posts.
xxx said…
Yes that was fun :)

You're delightful and I'm pleased we've met here in blogland :)

Be Well :)

x Ribbon
Mike Clelland! said…
What happened on Saturday Oct. 24th to prompt the scary mother bear imagery (in the post below)?
Gaia said…
Hi Stacey, this is fun, getting to know more about u. Have a great week.
Tracie said…
That was a great intro post for me to read. (as a new follower) I feel like a know quite a bit about you now.

PS Chocolate peanut butter is my favorite ice cream, too.
Susan R. Mills said…
Thanks, Stacey. I like getting to know you better. You had some great questions to answer, and you did it beautifully.
what brings you the biggest joy in your life ?
who is your favorite poet, and why ?
kj said…
HAHAHAHA stacey. this is a wicked good idea!

i will try to respond to this post but i'm squinting from the light of your truth. :)

so we have a couple of for sure things in common: it took me a couple of years to call myself a writer, but like you, i am one;
and (sniff) love also makes me cry. and neither of us is boring...

love back stacey,
Got your and Mike's post going up tomorrow. Many thanks again for allowing us to use it. It's a great synchro!
What a fun post! It is so great to learn more about you.xo
That was fun! I love that picture of you holding the tarantula! My favorite car was black. Black is my favorite color! Thank you for answering my question and all the other great questions!
Shadow said…
it's lovely to get to know you. how the heck did you manage to hold that spider???????
Tabitha Bird said…
great stuff Stacey. I liked getting to know you better. I might just steal this little idea for my blog.:)
Tess Kincaid said…
Fun to get to know you a bit better, Stacey. Well done, my friend.
Betty Manousos said…
Oh Stacey, great answers!All of them. They reflect your wonderful personality.
Thank you.
Happy Tuesday!
hugs hugs
Vodka Mom said…
that was very cool- and I am spanking myself right now for not QUESTIONING YOU.

Next week, dammit.
Nessa said…
Wow. So many interesting questions and equally interesting answers. Thanks for letting us get to know you better.

Sean the Vampire - Part Six - A Halloween Recap
Lisa said…
Thank you Stacey.

The depth and variety of questions in itself says a lot about you.
Natalie said…
It's so fun to get to know you better!
A brilliant post and amazing connectivity, Stacey. Thank you for sharing. I feel like I've known you all my life! Thank you also for your kind healing thoughts. So very much appreciated! Much love to you and yours. xx

Ooh, I have another question for you? Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Unknown said…
Very enlightening and like Brian, I'll be waiting on future posts to see some answers in detail.
Claus said…
Very interesting...and informative! Very interesting what you do in the business...I love Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! so thank you (') :-)) Looking forward to next week's!...I'm thinking on a good question...will let you know!
Renee said…
Stacey that was seriously fantastic.

You look beautiful in the picture, but I can't say the same for the spider.

Captain Dumbass said…
Excellent idea, Stacey, and thanks for answering my question. Sorry for your high dollar and my province's tax incentives.
Deb said…
I enjoyed your answers. Thanks for sharing Stacey :)
beautiful beautiful and more beautiful, spiritsister! loved it all! thank you so much for being such a fantastically faithful follower over at my places! peace and much love -
Unknown said…
Came in late on this one. Well done Stacey.
Michael said…
Your fam. fought in the revolution? Wow. that is some history for here.

As a tea person, won't you please cast your vote for where I shoudl have my tea coming up in a few weeks on blog land? :)
Michael said…
BTW, how do we ask q's for next Monday? I like this format. Great idea. not seen this done before. hopeuflly, nothing will get too personal. I suppose one doesn;t have to answer it if it did.

Loved the kiss moment, btw. Ahh. sweet.
Zuzana said…
Interesting questions and intriguing answers.;) This was a great post and I really enjoyed reading it.;)

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