between two worlds...

About a year ago I went to my friend John D. Riley’s Zero Point Energy Research facility to visit Max, one of the 13 crystal skulls (made famous by Indiana Jones). After my visit with Max, John had a “gathering” where we could have an experience with Max channeled through one of John’s radiant energy technologies that generates Zero Point Energy. By doing this John would magnify Max’s frequency. We also were given the opportunity to step into Trinity, another one of John’s creations. We would become the third column of Trinity, a doorway to our higher divine selves.

I entered the room and sat down on a piece of gemstone, (I can’t recall the name of it). I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes. The facilitator turned on the machine and I was immediately transported into another world, walking with polar bears, swimming with dolphins, flying around the earth wrapping it in golden light, diving through the earth, all with the intention of saving it. I wanted it to go on forever. It was indescribable. But the machine switched off and I was back sitting in the room, speechless.

A few months later I had another opportunity to step into Trinity. This time I was at John’s studio with Mia and Lisa Renee for a small gathering with William Henry. It was the first time I had met Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis) and her knowledge and consciousness rattled me. I sat between Mia and Lisa, two extremely powerful women, feeling very small and ineffective.

In fact I felt so ineffective that when Mia introduced me as a single mom, I took offence. I wanted to be something more, a Galactic Emissary or something, not just a mom raising a kid on my own even though I was told I was raising a “crystal baby” it was not enough I wanted more. I wanted to heal people by being psychic or have some gift to save the world.

Lisa and Mia went into Trinity with Lisa acting as facilitator. I heard their laughter as I waited outside. When they came out they were giddy and goofy. Mia had received all sorts of interesting information. (Click here to read a about her experience)

Next it was my turn. I stepped in with John as my facilitator. I sat down ready to swim with the dolphins and visit the polar bears again but instead I sat in utter darkness, like a cave. I felt like I was doing something wrong that I wasn’t at a level of consciousness to have the same experience. I was disappointed.

John asked what I had experienced. “Nothing. It was dark like I was in a cave,” I said. I asked if he saw anything. “I saw a bridge over your head,” he answered. “Oh and Jesus says he loves you.” We both laughed because before I had sat down we had talked about Jesus. I didn’t understand the symbolism of the bridge at the time but I’m beginning to understand it more and more.

Sometimes I feel like I live in between two worlds. I live in a world of energy and light and then I live in another world that is dense. The dense world would be our 3rd dimensional world. The other world would be the 4th or 5th dimension. I believe part of my role is to be a bridge between these two “worlds” or dimensions. I realize this sounds crazy but that is the very reason why I’m writing this post because my blog can feel schizophrenic at times. One day I’m writing about craving love, relationship, sex (3rd dimension) and the next day I’m quoting a spiritual teacher or talking about healing modalities (4th and 5th dimension).

Before I had Goom, I was headed to Bali to teach yoga and write. I was checking out, falling of the grid. It didn’t look like I was going to get married or having kids anytime soon so I was going to runaway and live the life of a monk. Then I accidentally got pregnant and I found myself thrust into the mundane world full force. It shattered me but now that I’ve picked up the pieces I see this was an important part of my journey.

I wasn’t born a psychic or with any other gifts but through the years I’ve been able to access abilities I’ve always had, I just didn’t know it. We all have these gifts and if my blog can be a bridge to empowerment to these gifts than so be it. I write with love. I need no other purpose.


Mike Clelland! said…
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xxx said…
I love your truth of what you have written here :)

I too am the mother of a crystal child... I have a five year old son and I am soon to be 48 :)

I share this computer and it's time for me to hand it over... so I'll be back later to read posts that I've missed since my last visit.

All the best wishes
Ribbon :)
I think the going back and forth between the spiritual us and the physical us is one of the great things about being a human being.

We have limitless experiences that way as long as we are feeling good when we are in either place.

Being in either place and feeling unhappy about being there is limiting our potential for expansion.

I love the bridge!
Tabitha Bird said…
Interesting.. I know, I said that last time... but honestly, I am not sure what else to say. Human beings are capable of many things. Knowing the spirit world is one of them. I am a Christian, so perhaps I look at things a little different, but I enjoy hearing about your experiences. thanks for sharing. your honesty is refreshing:)
Being exactly who you are is very special! [And I'm glad you enjoyed the surprise over at my blog today, Stacey!]
Anonymous said…
Stacey, you are a light, at least to me....I have been searching for so long now...lost, no direction...everything I held to taken from me....then I stumble upon your blog and little by little I begin to see a light, a path, I dont fully understand it yet...but I can see a glimmer now where therer was only darkness before...

thank you friend for being so true, honest and open.
Tess Kincaid said…
I'm fascinated by your experiences in the energy facility. wow.

And by the way, I happen to think you're pretty special.
"I wanted to be something more, a Galactic Emissary or something, not just a mom raising a kid on my own..."

LOL! We can't have Galactic Emissaries without the MOM! You want more? How about raising 4? :)

You are so awesome!
Susan R. Mills said…
Everyone has a spiritual side to them. We all experience it in different ways. I appreciate you sharing.
I made up my mind a long time ago, I feel what I feel, not what others tell me to. Spirituality is personal. You are brave to share your journey here.
Captain Dumbass said…
You're something special to Goom.
I disagree with that last paragraph. You are special. The first step towards victimhood is to believe you are a victim. You are special to your child, you are special to your community, both real and cyber, you are special because you occupy a space and you are living through a specific time and no one, and I mean, no one can take that specialness away from you.

Greetings from London.
ladytruth said…
I love these kind of posts of yours; they fascinate me immensely. Now you probably see the birth of Goom in the light of a great revelation in your life; what an amazing gift!
Betty Manousos said…
I think you are special.Thank you for sharing parts of your life.
I'm so glad you've been able to access your abilities. That is so important.
Anonymous said…
You are a serene read. Thank you for that - a sense of calm is just what this week ordered.
Nessa said…
Since we have been placed in this physical world we must all learn to deal with it while attempting to be who we really are.

Flash 55 - Home of Our Own
Unknown said…
I agree with Oh My Goddess and Willow. Too interesting for more words!
C in London, I deleted the line "I'm not special" because it wasn't what I meant...we are all very special. Thanks for pointing this out.

much love

p.s. For you years I called all this stuff "oogley boogley" it has only become "normal" or "just life" in recent months...but even in the normal I'm always in awe but what a wonderful way to be...
Deb said…
Loved your words. Thanks for sharing :)
Shadow said…
i'll be crossing this bridge with you for a while... this was great to read!
Renee said…
In-between worlds, so true.

The last two paragraphs reveal your beautiful mind. Liked your flow. The more we live soulfully, the more we discover ourselves.

Yeah, you touch a versatile range of topics. That's what makes your blog all the more interesting.
Lulda Casadaga said…
Well, we have electricity..we don't see waves...we don't see it...etc. Energy abounds!

I wish I could see the crystal are so lucky! And of course blessed to be a Mom. I don't have any children..and I always question that part of my life. Keep on keepin on friend...many realms to conquer!
Brian Miller said…
sorry i am so late getting to the party...smiles. an intriguing experience...i can relate to the living between words at times...hang on to that bridge and thank you for being real, with us.
Zuzana said…
Such very interesting experiences. And for the record, being a single mom means being a super-heroine in my book.;)
Thank you for your always lovely comments at my place.;)
Have a wonderful Friday.;)
Unknown said…
You most certainly have a gift of expression.
Unknown said…
This scares me a little. Growing up in a very conservative christian home we were always taught not to think about things like this.

I don't mean this in a bad way at all.
Ces Adorio said…
You are blessed to be gifted with the vision. I on the other hand need glasses and my radar is jammed on occasions.