sick in bed...

I thought my throat was hurting from all the mama bear roaring I did over the weekend but it turns out I was getting a cold. I'm now in bed nursing that cold.

I'm thrilled you are all enjoying my journey and I appreciate all your comments. I look forward to sharing the rest of my story with you tomorrow.

Today my head is too foggy to write.

much love,


kj said…
stacey, i think you caught that cold from me.....

Anonymous said…
Im sending you good energy and health!

much love
Deb said…
Resting is good! Drink lots of hot liquids to kill the evil throat germs. :) Hope you feel well soon.
Hope you feel better soon!
Roni Loren said…
Hope you feel better soon. Take care.
Rest, drink a lot of liquids, let others take care of you.
Nevine Sultan said…
Oops! Hope you feel better soon. Tea with a lemon twist might help a bit.
Brian Miller said…
rest up. hope you feel better.
Hi Stacey, get someone to heat up the chicken soup for you. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Lisa said…
Take care Stacey, and be well.
Clare said…
Get well my friend.

Looking forward to reading more of your story when you are well
Boozy Tooth said…
Get well soon, Stacey my dear. I have one word of advice for you.... Nyquil!
Anonymous said…
Take enough time to recharge, unfog, unstuff, and refresh. All good things you need!
Glad it's just a cold kiddo. Feel better. :-)
xxx said…
Big love to you Stacey...
stay in bed and rest as I'm on my way with some healing soup :)

x Ribbon
Oh no!
I picked up my daughter today from school because of a 101.3 temp.

Sounds like we're in the same boat! Feel better soon.
Susan R. Mills said…
Ah, Stacey, I hope you feel better soon. I don't like being sick. Take care of yourself and get some rest.
Tracie said…
Feel better soon!
Oh no, the alien mosters have invaded your head. At all cost you must resist, feed the cold, fight the cold, burn those little muscus anliens right out.

Much Love
Tabitha Bird said…
get well soon. Sick is the pits. At least you get some time in bed... unless you have kids. and then there is so rest for the wicked :)
Tess Kincaid said…
That stinks. Rest up and feel better soon! LOVE the vintage graphic.
MG Higgins said…
So sorry you're not feeling well! Take care of yourself.
Tina Lynn said…
Nursing the cold?

Forget the cold and have someone nurse you.

Get better:)
Cathy said…
Having just emerged from the same thing, you have my empathy. Rest and come back hearty and hale.
Just Take good medicine and some rest and you will be alright !! Blessings from India.
Anonymous said…
Get better soon. x
Wish you better. I am enjoying the history of your spirituality. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Hope you're feeling better real soon, Stacey. Sending much love and healing vibes. xx
Shadow said…
get well soon dear stacey!
Gaia said…
Hang in there, keep warm, gargle your throat and drink lots and lots of warm water. Hugs and get well soon.
Natalie said…
Poor thing! I hope you feel better tomorrow!
MsTypo said…
I hope you feel better soon!! :( **healing vibes**
Michael said…
sorry, you've been sick. hope the blog post above mean you are on the road to recovery.

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