pearls of wisdom...

Last night I went to Monday Night Conversations with Breck Costin, my “life coach” (for lack of a better word). He is a wise man who is able to break people away from their egos so they are free (if they are willing to do the work). It is no easy task. The ego loves to hold on and if it feels challenged it will strengthen its grip. Breck is able to expose the ego by his wisdom and intuition. It is a real treat to watch and learn from.

Last night was no different. I didn’t have any issues to bring up so I sat, journal in hand listening and learning from what other’s had to say.

It was a challenging night. I'm always amazed to witness people atrophied in their egos. Throughout the night I kept picturing a frozen Han Solo with a mournful look on his face. Even though people are smiling, their spirits suffer. But I will not go into the details of others. It is not my place. But I wonder, does Breck ever give up on people?

Our images are created based on what we think we need to survive. For example when I did Breck’s Absolute Freedom Course last January one of my first tasks was to identify attributes of my image/ego. Here were some of them - know it all, competent, wounded, secret contracts, watched, tough, controlling, paused, frustrated, not expressed, expect failure, controlled, left abandoned…all developed to survive in my family. It wasn’t pretty but once identified, I felt a little wiggle room. I no longer defended these aspects of myself; I embraced them and loved them, integrating them with my new found knowledge. They were no longer a threat.

Most of us live in a state of survival with little freedom because we are unaware of our image. As Breck says “Image tears down the best part of us – because of shame and fear. Freedom builds a life, image steals one.”

Here are a few more pearls of wisdom from last night:

"Career is about relationships, not about craft."

"Bring meaning to life..."

"Risk has potential, stupidity does not."

“Goals affirm what you are not.”

“If you are afraid of losing something than you’ve already lost it…”

“Include loss in everything.”

“A victim straddles the razor blade. They are afraid of loss so they pick hope.”

“You always have a choice.”

“Suffering is resisting something that is.”

“It weakens you to complain…”

"Fantasies must die in order for dreams to come true."

May all your dreams come true...


The ego is a master at tricking us into living our lives in fear.

I am much happier since I have begun to put a steady eye on when I am falling into fearful thinking, so that I can snap out of that old pattern.

I think about something that makes me feel better. It stops my spiral from plummeting.
Fireblossom said…
Thought-provoking stuff. Thanks so much for visiting my Word Garden and for your kind comments there! I look forward to visiting here as well. Peace!
JoMo said…
Wow, thanks, so insightful!
And, I love the peacock with the says so much. Off to check out Breck!
Awesome post, Stacey! I added you to my list of Thought Provokers so I'll know when you update. You'd like this guy, Mark at The Naked Soul: He's in my list of Thought Provokers too!

Susan R. Mills said…
What a great post! Worrying about our image stifles so much of who we are. I don't want to stifle it, but it tends to happen sometimes. I like the idea of identifying those aspects of our egos. I think most of us like to deny them and explain them away, but if we accept them, we have power of them. Thanks for this post. It means a lot to me.
OMG, yes, beginning to catch our thoughts before they spiral is key...

Fireblossom, love your are one cool chick...glad you liked the post, hope to see you again.

JoMo, yes I didn't even realize it was a peacock...LOL! Its even more perfect.

Green-Eyed Momster - thank you for adding me to your thought Provokers scroll...we need all the help we can get since we aren't always an easy read, LOL! Now off to check out Mark at Naked Soul...
Clare said…
Thought provoking stuff. I read it through twice. Things that particularly struck a chord:

It weakens you to complain

Goals affirm what you are not.

I understand the first one. The goals one. Does that mean that say a list of goals is a bad thing and brings you down?
Michael said…
Well Stacey, come and have a hot cuppa of cocoa with me. It's early. I can show you around the Manor's kitchen.
Have you read Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth?
Impressive post. My first question would be: which ones are innate and which ones acquired through living? Tough is a good case in point. I think that we're all born tough, but does life make us tougher or less so, depending on our circumstances? Very interesting read, many thanks.

Greetings from London.
Zuzana said…
Hello, what a lovely place! Love all the pearls of wisdom, particularly the one that "You always have a choice" and the one that when you worry "about loosing something, then it is already lost". So true...
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment.;)
Natalie said…
It drives me crazy when my kids whine that about each other that "he made me" or "she made me." People can't "make" us do anything. We always have a choice. Love that.
Betty Manousos said…
Your post so well written and thought provoking as always.
Your talent astounds me.
Love the peacock with the pearls!
Renee said…
Thank you darling Stacey.

Mark said…
Thanks for sharing. Yes, awareness is the key first step to stepping outside of ego and remembering our authentic self. Great wisdom shared here today, thank-you.
Ekanthapadhikan said…
Very thought provoking. I especially liked the last one - "Fantasies must die in order for dreams to come true." Can't agree more with that.

Thanks for sharing this with us.
Sahildeki Ev said…
Thanks for sharing the pearls. We need to be reminded from time to time..
Anonymous said…
Breaking away from our egos...that is really something!

I'll remember the quote too "victim straddles the razor blade" that's meaningful.

Thanks, Secretia
Heather said…
a lot of great food for thought here! Especially 'bring meaning to life'...
Aine said…
Hi! I've been seeing you over on Jason's blog, and finally got over here to say hi!

Thanks for sharing all the pearls. This one is so timely for me: "Career is about relationships, not about craft." I've never thought of it that way. I love learning a new perspective! :)

And the other one that has been part of my life in recent years is "Fantasies must die in order for dreams to come true." Sigh...

Sounds like you are doing some great "life work".
You have rightly titled, Pearls of wisdom.
ladytruth said…
“Goals affirm what you are not.”
I don't really understand this one; does it mean that goals are bad because they remind you of where or what you aren't or is it good because it puts you on your way to becoming something better?

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