ask me mondays...

I thought I'd try something new over here at the respite. (I just had to say that.) But seriously, I thought it would be fun to have an "open" forum on Mondays.

So I'm opening myself up to you. Ask me anything. Ask me about working in the industry, Goom, being single, being a single-parent, a previous post, dating, my relationship with baby's daddy, the weather, my childhood, politics, spirituality, yoga, flimmaking, film restoration, writing, Matrix energetics, Hollywood, living in LA, religion, or perhaps you need a little advice and think I might be able to help, no subject is taboo, I'm open to ANYTHING. I might not answer every question but I'm open to it.

You can ask today, tomorrow, throughout the week, you can ask anonymously or not. I'll collect the questions (if there are any) and post my answers the following Monday.

Not sure if this idea will work (I might hear crickets) but why not try it? Right?

So ask away (no pressure)...


Hi Stacey ~ What a fantastic idea! Oooh, so many questions I could ask. As I'm a new-ish follower, it's possible that I might ask a question that you've already answered elsewhere. Forgive me, if that's the case. Anyway, here's one to start ~ what has been your most profound spiritually moving experience? Hope that's not too personal a question! By the way, I've just read your owls post. What synchronicity! Owls feature in my novel too. I'm also interested in your UFO experience so would love to know more about that. Much love, bright one. xx
Carol Anne,

I'm jumping up and down with delight!

This is perfect and nothing is too personal...I look forward to responding to your questions, they are GREAT!

YAY! I was hoping this would be fun and it already is....

much love
Anonymous said…
I love this...great ideal!

Question: I have read snippets of your life with your diary seem a very spiritually grounded person now, I wonder, and I guess my question is...what was the "BIG" spiritual turning point for you? I am searching so much, as you know by reading my blog, I have gotten alot of advice by "Spiritual Leaders" but I am always a bit turned off because my dad was a preacher as well....In my search I seem to have been drawn to you, Im very interested in picking your spiritual brain.....oh geese my question turned into a short novel..argggg sorry;(
My husband does work in Hollywood occasionally, (he used to live off Sunset Blvd. back when we were dating), and my son is a production coordinator and he used to date a well-known make-up artist, and my daughter works in costume for a stylist, so I hear lots of stories. How do you deal with shallow, morally-challenged types? Or, do you have to?
Ekanthapadhikan said…
Hi Stacey! I'm sure this is going to be a treat.

My question - What do you mean by Matrix Energetics? That sounds something really interesting.
Zuzana said…
This is a great idea.;) It will help me to get to know you better.;) I hope you will not mind if I wait a bit with my questions as I am a relatively new visitor.;) But I look forward reading the questions of others and of course, your answers.;)
These are all great questions. Thank you so much! I look forward to diggin into them.

much love
Renee said…
What a fantastic idea Stacey.

Love Renee xoxo
PixieDust said…
Hello Stacey,

The first big question that comes to mind is what prompted you to do this forum?


Brian Miller said…
oh, love this idea...

what moment of your life would you want to capture and relive again?

look forward to monday!
Angela Ackerman said…
Great idea for a blog post. I should do this too one of these days.

Okay, hmm...

What is your biggest writing strength? The weakness you're trying hardest to work on?
Lisa said…
This is so great Stacey. I look forward to your answers to some serious questions. Then I'll ask deeper questions :)

In the mean time, can you tell me if you are a coffee person or a tea person.
Roni Loren said…
You said on my blog today that you just recently stared calling yourself a writer. What caused the change?
Susan R. Mills said…
Great idea! My question for you is where do you see yourself in a year from now?
Is the car you drive your favorite color?
kj said…
hahahaha! i want information on PASSION! whatever you want to say, friend.

ps great idea. i also want to know how you spend an average day. and what makes you cry. and your favorite way to spend time.

ditto much love
Great idea!
My question pertains to your "creating a village" statement on your "who am I". I love this concept and would love to hear about your village - how you began creating it and how it supports you. Maybe even advice on how others can create or find their own.

ladytruth said…
This is a great idea; opening yourself up is very brave of you :)

I'll think about a proper question and ask it later during the week
This is a nice idea.

My question:

What is ur spiritual ideology? From where and when did it begin? What is ur stance now?
Fireblossom said…
What is your favorite silent film and why?
Brave Girl!

I'll have to think of something...
This is going to be so much fun! Thank you all! I look forward to answering all your questions. I might even write a couple posts this week that will be answers...

much love to you and feel free to ask whatever, whenever.
neat idea, girl! now, to just think of something....hmmmmmm.....
Ces Adorio said…
Hello Stacey, thank you for stopping by my blog. I am pleased to meet you. Yes, Tessa is a fabulous woman. I love reading this since it is my first. You are so bold. Hooray! I got so excited, I actually started reading so fast...hahaha. You are a natural upper! Uh, I forgot my question...oh wait, do you like to wear shoes around your house and do you cook your own Thanksgiving turkey, what is your favorite ice cream flavor and what is your favorite color, do you have any conservative, registered Republican friends?
Betty Manousos said…
Really Stacey, I wanted to ask you,
What promted you to do this forum?
Jeanne Estridge said…
Well, it seems to be a success!

No questions this week, but I will peruse your answers to everyone else's questions with interest.
Monkey Man said…
Laying these questions in for future blogs....great idea. Hmmm, since this is my first visit and I have no history here, my question is: Will Hollywood soon be run by a single large conglomerate? Or perhaps you have a cure for baldness.
Mike said…
What do you do in the industry? My stepbrother has some movie credits as a set director.
Deb said…
Great post brave woman!

When did you start calling your son Goom, and why? I'll tell you why I ask--I used to call one of my boys Goomba, and I can't remember where it came from :)
Captain Dumbass said…
Hmm? Questions? Ooh. Since I'm from Vancouver... does the amount of tv and movie work that's done up here have a real effect on people in the business down there? Like, is there a measurable loss of work or is the complaining I hear just complaining?
xxx said…
What is you cultural background?

have fun with all of these

best wishes
ribbon :)
Shadow said…
ooooh, i see you've got lots of questions. give me time to think up a really tough one, heee heee heeee

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