flashback friday (1989)...

March 4, 1989 (I'm 19)

I'm uneasy. I don't know why. I feel as if I'm waiting for something. Is it because I’m so content with life? I now realize “happily ever after” was a dream from watching too many movies. I find myself at B&O Espresso quite often. I like it there because I can be alone with other people. Perhaps, it’s because I’m waiting for A. I enjoy talking to him...

We have had one long conversation. We know too much about each other to just say “Hi” and pass each other but perhaps that is what will happen. Our conversation will be forgotten. This would be very disappointing but I would deal with it.

I hope for friendship, love and intimacy with A.

I pulled coffee and glanced up at the water fountain hoping he’d be there. It usually only took three glances before he appeared, smiling, tossing his curls. It was delightful. He always knew when I needed him most. We became very good friends.

He was a musician, his voice like liquid fire. His hands on his guitar put me in a trance. I never wanted to leave. He loved David Bowie and eating healthy. He drove a cool old motorcycle and worked at Café Dilettante as a bartender. We lived on the same street and always knew where to find each other.

May 3, 1989

It’s already May. It’s so beautiful. I don’t think I could ever be as happy as I am right now. A and I went out on his bike tonight. I wanted to ride off with him. He is so beautiful inside and out. I have never felt like this before. I want his happiness. I would do anything for his happiness. Even if his happiness is another woman. So be it. You know the saying, “If you love something set it free, if it comes back...” that’s me and A. Do I love him? I don’t know. I love being with him. I can’t imagine not being with him. Is this the essence of true love? Is it possible?

July 6, 1989

I’m about to write something that sounds really stupid but I think I love and am in love with A.

August 20, 1989 (I’m in Paris traveling Europe for a six weeks)

I just called A. It was good to hear his voice. “Now I’m in a good mood,” he said. I know I shouldn’t have called, only having been gone a week. He asked me to send him a post card so he could send me something. He told me nothing had changed like I’d been gone forever. He was excited to hear my voice. He makes me so happy. I know someday I will laugh at this, looking back because I’m either with him, I’m in love with another man or because nothing has changed.

Our relationship was the most innocent love. I never told him of my feelings and I never knew his. I guessed he saw me only as a sister, nothing more. We never kissed or held hands but we loved.

Our lives grew distant and then we disappeared from each other. A chance meeting several years later, far from our memories united us. I recognized his hands. They were my proof.

He was married. I had a child. Much time had passed but no time had passed. We had changed but were exactly the same. It felt sacred. The past, future and present stood still and only love remained.

Throughout the years, I've fallen in love with all the wrong men and I've wondered if I'm capable of being in love with the right man but A. is proof that I am (having been in love with him twenty years ago). I am thankful for his friendship. He makes me giggle, he has my back and he knows me well....nothing has changed.

Goom "driving" A's car after a soccer game. So fun!


You may not have ended up together, but it sounds like all your memories are happy ones! That's something special right there.
you've been reading my own private diaries, i see! love your phrase much time had passed but no time had passed - very well done, kindredspirit!
Anonymous said…
I believe in soul mates..do u? I dont believe we always end up in a relationship with our soul mates, but they are always in our life in one form or another...My friend who just died was my A....I so understand this post, beautiful...cherish your soul mate friend;)

I missed your writting so much, glad Im back and you are still sharing;)

Michael said…
Wow, that chance encounter 20 years later was so beautifully written. It made me cry...bu then msybe that's because I just got from a funeral of someone i knew about 20 years ago. he had committed suicide. Leaving his ex wife adn 6 kids. Very sad. the funeral was so full of grace though. incredible. touching. thought provoking about what is the essence of someone's life...hmmm...
Claus said…
Came today to check your blog, and I was touched by this entry, or shall I say memory? I too have a friend who I later discovered I might be in love with. He is the away in a foreign country now, married also, and with a child. Still, when he calls, I get all happy and cheerful. The idea, I suppose, of the possibility of being loved comforts me.
Unknown said…
Every girl needs an A. in her life; alas, mine died a couple of years ago and I still miss him terribly.
Lisa said…
Hi. I came from the lovely Lupus in Flight.

Love is in the air, but to find your soul mate is a miracle. Miracles happen.
Brian Miller said…
smiles. that was beautiful.
A Mother Always said…
Romantic and beautiful...
Zuzana said…
What a very candid post. They say that only unrequited love can be romantic.;)
"A" certainly looks like a handsome man.;)
How interesting that we both have a *flashback friday* posts, even thought the themes are a bit different.;)
Have a lovely weekend.;)
xxx said…
I've had a similar experience... but no happily ever after came from it. (a long while ago)
today I would be happy to never cross paths with him again :)

look forward to seeing you at the halloween party :)

best wishes
lisa said…
Intimate and touching. Thank you, your writing took me back.
Both of the men are handsome ;)
Gaia said…
Hi Stacey coming by for my cuppa. Lovely post so heart warming. :)
Anonymous said…
I don't know whether to be happy or sad when I read this. I flicker between both. Somehow, it seems like the built-in buffer between you is just as much a part of it as the bond.
Aine said…
Why don't we end up with the "A" in our lives? (I believe I did, but I know how often people feel that they've inadvertently passed on the opportunity to be with a soulmate.)

Or are they only seen as soulmates because they haven't entered the gritty reality of our everyday lives, or been forced to live with deepest, darkest truths of our self? If we had created a relationship with our "A," would we be looking back to some other past friend as the soulmate we passed up?

Thanks for the courage to share yourself with us in cyberspace!
A beautiful post, Stacey! And oh how this resonates. You have such an amazing connection with `A' ~ something so profound that he must be a kindred spirit. And within what you share is the purest, unconditional love. You really don't have to share a conventional relationship / life with someone to have what you have. What you have is forever. Much love to you, bright one. xx
What a beautiful and touching story. I can't help but wonder if you wonder what your life would have been like with A. Friendships like yours are priceless. I was a bit scared to come here after seeing your title. 1989 was not the best of years for me.
Sending you peace and hugs!!
Great diary entries! Now you can look back to see how far you have come.
ladytruth said…
I remember having the same feeling of expecting something to happen. A is one gorgeous man and Goom is just adorable :)
kj said…
i'm sorry i've missed this post and others this week. time's been a whirlwind. but i'll be around as soon as i can. i'm hearing about and seeing goom for the first time.

nothing like loving a child. i do too. xoxo

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