
I woke up this morning thinking about attachment. Last night before falling asleep, I read a beautiful little story in Autobiography of Yogi about Yogananda’s attachment to a fawn that became sick. Yogananda prayed for the little fawn to stay alive and it did, but that night the fawn came to him in a dream and asked that he be let go, that he was being held back. Yogananda agreed to let him go, awoke and the fawn died soon after.

Yogananda went on to say, “ deep attachment, which I later realized was selfish, and by my fervent prayers, I had been able to hold it in the limitations of the animal form from which the soul was struggling for release. The soul of the deer made its plea in a dream because, without my loving permission, it either would not or could not go. As soon as I agreed, it departed.

All sorrow left me; I realized anew that God wants His children to love everything as a part of him, and not to feel delusively that death ends all. The ignorant man sees only the insurmountable wall of death, hiding, seemingly forever, his cherished friends. But the man of unattachment, he who loves others as expressions of the Lord, understands that at death the dear ones have only return for a breath space of joy in Him”

I looked up “attachment” in the Oxford American Dictionary and it means “the condition of being attached to something or someone in particular, affection, fondness, or sympathy for someone or something.” Another meaning that pertains was “an affectionate relationship between two people”

The definition seems innocent enough without subterfuge but doesn’t attachment cast a wider web than this? One can be attached to so many things, image, youth, relationship, an idea, etc. Attachment creates struggle and suffering.

For years I’ve been practicing non-attachment. It is not easy. Often when I am struggling I ask what am I attached to? What idea is keeping me stuck? Am I attached to success? A friendship? The past? Most often I find I’m attached to an idea of a person or situation. The universe might be showing me something but I refuse to see it because I’m attached to the idea of what I (ego) think it should be. This especially happens in intimate relationships. I see how I want the other person to be and I hold to it. When I do this, there is no room to breathe. I am strangled by fear and I, in turn, strangle the other person.

It all goes back to my tiny little ego “trying” to hold to something and not allowing.

As Breck says, “suffering is resisting something that is...”

So I ask, what are you attached to? What creates your suffering?


This words are so wise! It is hard to accept first that we are attached to somenthing in particular but at the moment we accept it it`s easier to let go but... are we willing to accept?

Let us be like air, everywere and nowere, traveling, changing and free!

This is a great topic, allowing us to ponder over the relationships we hold dear.
In Tamil there is a very famous and much celebrated literary work titled Thirukkural.

In it there is a poem.

Be attached to The One, (God)
Who has no attachments.
Have that attachment...
For, it cuts off all other attachments!

Many a times I have thought about the death of my kith and kin and have got scared and felt worried about them. Then slowly it dawned on me that they are all children of God and that God has much greater love on them than I do.

God is the one who can accompany them after their death, even if it is a new birth.

Your post kindles so much thought in me! Thanks for that.
Betty Manousos said…
I'm attached to ART.
Never makes me suffer.
Have a super great weekend!
Brian Miller said…
a touching post...two years ago last week my wife lost her mom...there came a poin she had to let her go and give her permission to move on...shortly there after she did...the opening of your post brought back that moment for me, a confliction of sadness and hope.
Susan R. Mills said…
Great post. I know you weren't talking about writing here, but it made me think of my main character. She is selfishly hoding on to something, and needs to let it go. I don't want her too. I guess that I must be attached to it too. Thanks for this. I'm going to write her letting go of it. Then, I suppose, I'll be letting go of it too.
Mike Clelland! said…
I am attached to an image of myself.

Somehow I feel that I've been swallowed up in mystifying life events. Am I the confused person I think I am? There must be more to me, but I am attached to the confused part.

There is a very real fatigue that comes with this, and it feels like my ego is clinging to this simplistic identity.

There is something fascinating about being lost, but I know this "attachment" is no longer serving me.

How to let that fall away?
What an incredible post. One of my challenges is to let go of my looks. I am aging and find myself alarmed each time I look into a mirror, or at my hands. I understand that aging is inevitable and I need to accept and embrace the process, (Man, is that easier said than done!) When my dad lost his memory and just about all his facilities I did my best not to plead with the universe to keep him with me, I did not want to hold him here for selfish reasons. I told him to go, I urged him to let go of this life and to meet his reward so to speak. Again, I really love this subject matter and you inspired me.
Great post! Very thought provoking. I'll have to think about it since this week is especially hard for me this time of year. I'm going to give this some thought.

Anonymous said…
What creates my suffering, usually my own thoughts. What am I attached to, my beliefs, whether they are valid or not. Thanks for making me think.
Deb said…
More than anything I'm attached to those I love. I suffer when I allow myself to fear losing them.
Gaia said…
This is a sad but true post. I personally experienced a tragic event which I should have been attached to but, I did not. The death of my first born. I like Yogi decided to let him go, and God perhaps was pleased becos he kept coming to me, with signs. First time after 32 years God has shown himself to me. That was 13 years ago.

Now I have not to be attached to things, the only one perhaps is still my ego on the way certain things should be, more related to work. But with family annd Life, I have definitely changed the way I view life. This is not mine to hold one to, it is HIS to take.
xxx said…
Great topic!

I often become attached to my concepts and I'm learning to choose better what I become attached to... this for me is proving to be a lifetime experience and one that I'm enjoying :)

best wishes to you for a lovely weekend with attachments that are worthy of you ;)

My list of attachments is a long one. Some attachments bring me joy and some don't. Even though I know that some of my attachments bring me pain I am so attached to them that I seem attached to the pain too. And Breck is so right. I am resisting something that is. That said I think that suffering motivated me to make change happen.
That Janie Girl said…

Deep stuff, that.

Got me thinking, ya did!
Shadow said…
unattached is free. but humanity doesn't want to be totally free. we have the need to love, and with love comes a certain amount of attachment... it's a circle...

what am i attached to? damn. my little red 2-seater, but i'm sure i'll live if we are ever seperated, heee heee heee
Zuzana said…
This was beautiful as I so recognize the curse of *attachment*. Or is it blessing? Perhaps those of us who feel this way are just so much more perceptive and sensitive and thus we suffer.
As with anything in life, the best is achieve when things are in balance. I strive to always balance the feel "attachment" in my relationships.;)
Lovely read.
Maude Lynn said…
Absolutely excellent post! So much of our suffering is caused by our attachment to an idea of how things or people should be. At least, that's true for me.
kj said…
ah stacey, broken hearts don't understand this concept very well, at least not until time kicks in and helps with looking back instead of muddling through.

did i tell you this before? this has helped me:

first accept, then decide

not the other way around.

i am glad to know you.

much love back
Anonymous said…
Stacey, your writing touches our inner hearts.

Vodka Mom said…
As a motherless and fatherless daughter, I, too, try not to be attached to things.....but it's tough.

I'm attached to my family. So very attached.
I also practice non-attachment and have tried to release my babies before their time. So back they come - more lessons to learn. :)
PixieDust said…
As with most things in life, excess in either direction is unhealthy. Overly attached or trouble making attachments, both carry underlying fears that need to be resolved.

A very provocative post!


Ces Adorio said…
A lot of wisdom! Attachment and love are two different things. Love in the truest form is not subject to attachment. True love is never lost which is why we continue to love those who have departed. Attachment is physical and emotional and in my mind has the capacity to become dysfunctional. like one is attached to a certain object or person. True love is free. We love someone because it makes us happy regardless of whether that love is returned in kind or not. Loving someone and expecting something in return is not love, it is like a marriage, we love our husbands because they in turn will love us, that is not love, that is needing. Love is free and should never be uttered in statements like: "I love you and this is what you do to me?" Time out! or "what did I get for loving you?"
Jennifer said…
I believe that attachment may be one of the most difficult emotions to change. I've been wondering why.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this Stacey. As a mother and human rights lawyer who had to leg it out of Zimbabwe with two suitcases, 3 children and a small dog I can see the value of detaching. No. Not detaching but rather not attaching in the first place. I'm having to practice it again now as we prepare to leave the South of France for Canada next summer. Your blog is an inspiration and I am delighted to have found you. (not planning on getting attached but just planning on following your musings!)
another beautiful thought-provoking post - so much self-reflection to do now - hmmmmm....what creates my suffering......of course, it is self who creates my suffering - is it not that for us all, do you think?

loved the post! peace and love - j