a brief history of my spiritual journey, part 2...

In high school I became agnostic, sometimes atheist. I was also attracted to Communism. It was the 80’s and Reagan didn’t make sense to me.
I still sometimes went to church with my family. I did not take communion. I no longer believed and I did not want to belittle their ritual. I told my family I was no longer a Christian.
A piece of them stopped loving me.
The church was a hypocrite. Dogma was it's conspirator. I'd rather give to a homeless man than to the bureaucracy of the church. The forests, the lakes, the land were where I found God.
My parents got divorced again when I was eighteen. I moved out. I was faithless.
The Dark Ages lasted seven years.
At twenty-five I dated a man who read tarot and rode the cosmic wave. He was free, easy, drenched in Catholic Mysticism and grew marijuana. I relaxed.
A year later he broke my heart and I had a vision.
Around this time I read The Alchemist. It changed my life. I was reawakened. I was hungry.

At twenty-seven I took my first yoga class. Four years later, I decided to become a yoga teacher.
I never stopped reading books on all spiritual disciplines.
I was practicing or teaching yoga at least thirty hours a week but something in me was not content. I was in constant meditation but not happy. I planned to move to Bali.
During this time, I began to lose touch with reality. The world felt less solid. I was afraid. To ground myself I had sex with an ex-boyfriend. I got pregnant.
I didn’t move to Bali. I had a baby. I stumbled around for two years, picking up the pieces. Then I met Mia.
They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I was ready.
This is where the real work began.
to be continued tomorrow…
"A year later he broke my heart and I had a vision."
What was the vision? I'm genuinely curious.
(In response to your comment on my site)
I've always thought doing those kinds of things made life less stable, not more. Did someone suggest that would be a healthy thing to do?
Just this morning when he was in the kitchen with his hair a mess druling over the syrup on his waffle, I gave thanks for him. He is a blessing.
much love to all...
p.s. having sex with an ex to ground youself is never advisable...LOL! but sometimes there are gifts like a goom but still not advisable...
Love Renee xoxo
Fascinating first page!!
I'm going to enjoy this, you really should check out my sister's blog which is very similar, a direct link to her is on the right margin of my blog.
Love this, my sister and I talk about this stuff for hours, usually over a few glasses of wine.
stacey, we're new to one another. i won't pretend to know: who is mia?
i read the tarot.
On a side note: I was taught children are gifts from God and since those little angels were in direct contact with God prior to birth, they choose the parent. Now how's that feel? Goom pointing at you from above - and hence - sex with the ex. LOL!
Would also like to know of your vision, if you care to share.
Thursday Thirteen - Fiendish Facts
They are very interesting. And the writing style is fantastic!
Q: What was the vision?
hugs hugs
...so connected with this paragraph. Interesting journey so far. I wonder about the following part.