
Christian and I walked out into an open field speckled with blue flowered plants, a promise of life in an otherwise desert landscape. We bent down for a closer inspection. Christian broke off a piece of the plant. It’s toxic fumes rushed to our heads. “We found the plant,” he said as he sniffed it. “Yes” I whispered, distracted by the ramblings of a black beetle. Christian stood up and continued towards a dilapidated building, sniffing the noxious weed. I stayed mesmerized by the licorice black beetle laboring across the boulders of his world.

I was pulled away from my beetle trance by the distant sound of Christian’s footsteps. I stood up, drawn to the sound, no longer wanting to be alone. Walking the edge of a cluster of trees, I watched Christian smoking through the kaleidoscope of broken walls and windows of the dilapidated building. I felt safe and loved.

I peered into the trees. It was dark. I walked closer and suddenly, something moved rustling the leaves. I looked back at Christian. He was in his own world, content. Curious, I followed the edge of the trees to find a way in. As I approached what looked like an entrance, a menacing buzz filled my ears. A nest of invisible wasps stood guard. But to what? “Christian!” I yelled in a whisper no longer wanting to be alone. He couldn’t hear me. I entered the cavern, passing the drone of the nest into a clearing. A canopy of trees, two stories high with slivers of sunlight shining through created an altar. I was Joan of Arc waiting for divine guidance. Fallen leaves and a curious white film blanketed the ground.

Above me, I heard a flutter. I looked up. A shadow flew. I felt I was being watched. I looked around for what it was. What was watching me? Then I saw it. A geisha faced owl staring down at me. We contemplated each other until another rustle distracted me. I slowly turned in a circle staring up into the canopy of trees, baring witness to several owls camouflaged in the leaves keeping a watchful eye. There were too many to count. I had stumbled upon a holy shrine and I was the initiate.

I felt Christian come up behind me. I smiled at him and pointed to the owls in the trees. We stood silently side-by-side. I turned toward him, open and ready for our first kiss. I held my breath. He smiled, turned and without a word walked away. I watched him go.

I looked back up towards the owls, smiling as I laid my attachment to his kiss and my need of being saved at their feet. What I was experiencing, in this sacred temple, was more powerful than anything a man would ever give me. I was becoming a goddess and this was my initiation. Christian must have known this and chose to leave. He had already been baptized in mysticism.

It is said that owls are guardians of the after life and their nocturnal nature is a symbol of inner knowing. People are often called to their power animals because they share a mutual energy. With the doors of perception opened, perhaps I had been brought to the owls as a reminder of my intuitive powers and to be shown I was already riding the wave, I had just lost sight of it.


Mike Clelland! said…
This posting was (I think) prompted by me, and my questions about a tiny line I found in another blog posting. Stacy said she saw a lot of owls in one spot. My request to her: Please, tell me more.

For some reason, my life has been awash in owls lately. I can't quite understand it. There is something SO mystical about an owl, that I can't help but try and see the event as some sort of premonition - or divine message.

My curious owl stories here:


Stacy wrote:
Amazing! Love this, a couple years ago I had the privilege to spend time in a giant owls "nest" for lack of a better word, with over thirty barn and horned owls watching me...it was one of the most profound moments of my life!


I'll also add, there is a scary alien abduction movie (due out soon) that features a lot of owls in the trailer, followed up with "Those aren't owls!" (The Fourth Kind).
LOL! I must tell you that later that evening we saw a "space ship"....LOL! No joke!
Boozy Tooth said…
Hello Stacey!

Are you of Warner Brothers family fame? Sorry, you probably get that a lot living in Hollywood!

Thank you SO MUCH for visiting Casa Hice today and commenting on my rattlesnake. Kind of boggles the mind, doesn't it? Glad that wasn't MY yard; I would have died from fright on the spot!

Anyway... I consider it a huge honor that you visited Casa Hice and left your footprints on my welcome mat. Please stop by any time... the welcome mat is always out.

Your blog looks very interesting, so I am going to add you to my blogroll and look forward to post updates. Isn't it fun meeting new people though blogs and increasing your circle of friends? I love it.

So glad you gave me an opportunity to meet you and get better acquainted! Yay!
Deb said…
Beautiful. Wise.
Susan R. Mills said…
Very nice. I find owls fascinating.
Anonymous said…
As always I was captivated by your writting, I was there....almost felt like I was the owl, watching...

between you and nevine, I dont think I will be visiting borders books anymore...lol

I don't think there is a bigger compliment and I feel a special bond with Nevine, she's moving isn't she? How blessed are we?

much love
Gabriel said…
Less a blog post, more an epiphany. Lovely piece.
Nevine Sultan said…
The introspective nature of this was... well, amazing! Owls are fascinating creatures, aren't they?

Steven is too funny, but he's great! And I am honored to be a follower of your blog, Stacey. It was one of the very first I followed as a novice blogger, and it's definitely a keeper. Have a beautiful Sunday!
Gabriel, thank you!

Nevine, yes, you were one of my first blogs to follow once I started writing out of the vortex. Your writing inspires my creativity...

much love!
Mike Clelland! said…
Whew - Where to begin?

Stacey's story about owls made me seek her out via email. I asked some questions, and her answers brought up even more questions from me. We had a flurry of back-and-forth emails that just seemed to open the floodgates of coincidences and heavy handed synchronicities.

More than I can say here, so I said it HERE:

I wrote my own blog piece about our shared experiences. We both point out that this telling our stories on our blogs is an ego thing, but that's too simplistic. I really feel that it's much more altruistic. This story feels important on some level, even if it simply shows that there is a very real magic - and it's happening right now.

So, because of this owl story I now have an expanded insight into the mystical (and the delightful!), and I made a new friend.

Peace to all,
Mike C!
very neat story, stacey! about the owls, several of my blogging friends have been having owl experiences of late - can't remember if i've seen that you've read mine and/or those over at synchronicity [it's past midnight now and my brain is somewhere else] - and i have posts on ufos as well - and ghosts/spirits - synchronicities - anyway, loved this post, lady!!!
Hey Gypsy Lady! Nice to see you here, its been a bit and your new look is fantastic. I like you with a bit of color! I will take a look around for your posts on owls and ufos...I actually saw a UFO the same day I saw those owls...very strange.

much love
Anonymous said…
Owls have a special knowledge and a special power. Not just in the woods, but over people too.
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!