
When I started blogging two years ago I went by SingleMILF. I started because I wanted to practice my prose writing (I’d only written screenplays) and thought dating as a single mom in LA (which I was doing at the time) would be great fodder. But less than a month after I started my blog, I met a man, fell in love, got engaged, planned a wedding (sent out invitations) and broke up…all within three months. My blog became a diary of sorts, revealing all the inner workings of the emotional rollercoaster I was on - called my life.

At the time I had no idea how to get my blog out there, how to find readers or where I belonged. I wrote in a vortex with fifteen readers on a good day and zero followers everyday. No one ever left comments…but it didn’t matter I had fallen in love with writing and had a daily practice. Every morning I got up, put on warm fuzzy socks, made a pot of tea, sat at my computer and wrote. It was my sacred space, just for me. I always hoped for more readers but I was writing and that was the most important thing.

I wrote daily (for my fifteen readers) taking the weekends off for over a year until that fateful night, March 6th, 2009 when I deleted my blog. (I’ve mentioned this before so I won’t bore you with the details) I was devastated. After that night I lost my rhythm. I was suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). I couldn’t find my voice. I didn’t know what to write. I couldn’t write about BD (baby’s-daddy) or the Souvenir anymore because they had discovered me. Plus I didn’t want to. I was done bitching about his stupidity (although it is still tempting sometimes). I was lost. For five months I was like this, in a writing coma.

Then one day in a late July, Marla wrote in passing on an email, “You need to start writing again.” And just like that, I did. On Monday, August 3rd, 2009 I wrote “christ consciousness…” and haven’t stopped since. Sure I needed to exercise the atrophied writing muscle a bit but it didn’t take long before I was back up full speed ahead. I still wasn’t sure what I would write about but I trusted it would come.

Now two months later, I’m still writing (loving it) and have found a blogging community.

It’s been interesting no longer writing in a void. My ego has definitely been triggered at times, wanting more “followers,” wondering why so-and-so has thousands, etc. It has been a great lesson. It’s got me thinking, what is enough? Would I really be happier with a thousand “followers”? Let’s say I got a book published, would I be happier? Or would it just lead me to count how many copies had sold, comparing myself to other writers? Would it ever be enough? Then I stopped and remembered that it is the writing that makes me happy. I wrote with few reading for two years, happy as a clam!

Do I love my readers? YES! YES! YES! –but it always comes back to the writing. If I lose my passion for writing, I’m pretty sure I’d also lose my readers.

Thank you all for joining me on my path!


Odd Jeppesen said…
The love of writing is everything. It's why I'm here. I think it's why almost all of us are here.

Don't stop.
Nevine Sultan said…
I think for those of us who love to write, writing is life. I can relate most to your last statement: "If I lose my passion for writing, I'm pretty sure I'll also lose my readers." When we're not passionate about what we write, our writing comes across as empty and voiceless, and there's nothing worse, in my opinion. Your readers know what to expect from you, and when you don't deliver, they are disappointed. And that's a great gift to a writer - not just the readership, but that the readership should be so sincere as to be upset when we get off track.

Excellent posting!
Mike Clelland! said…
... and I am worried that my right hand will be atrophied after so long with out drawing.

I went thru a period where I realized that I deeply loved the fact that black ink communing with white paper was a verb. I didn't care about the end result, I simply loved the meditative scratchy lines as the went from the pen in my hand - to the paper.

Right now, for reasons I don't understand, I am uninspired. And with that comes a very real fear, that what I once loved has faded away.

I trust that I'll be inspired again, and that trust is also very real.

I do have a nice new sketch book - empty and waiting. It's right there, on the shelf next to where I'm sitting...
Renee said…
It is the stories, when I die I want my children to be able to hear me in what I have to say.

Love Renee xoxo
Deb said…
So glad you started sharing your writing again. It touches me. I've been off my path lately so I understand how that goes. Keep going!!
Sahildeki Ev said…
Glad that I found you, and glad that you are writing and enjoying..I enjoy reading you a lot..
Writers write. The topics, tone and intent is what connects to readers.

I never saw your original blog but feel it served its purpose - and now you are free and clear to write for the joy. That's the energy that flows and grows.

It's fascinating, and though I don't comment on every post, I read them all and feel glad you shared.
ladytruth said…
It was interesting to read about your blog journey thus far and I understand the thoughts behind the number of followers and the writing. When I started out I also had zero comments and zero followers, but it also didn't stop me. I have to say, though, that being part of the blogging community and reading so many talented writers work has changed my writing in the sense that I always want to make it better. And yes, it's true: we always go back to the root of the reason why we write - because we want to write ;)
Unknown said…
What a great post. I am so glad you started writing again. It is theraputic, isn't it? Way better than any counseling session for me : ) May you continue to write the rest of your days!
I really like this post. I started my blog last October and wrote a few posts, then stopped blogging completely until... late summer. I kind of felt strange making my "comeback."

Sometimes I get a little disheartened that I don't have a ton of followers, but then I remember that the writing is mostly for me, for posterity, and to try to find discipline in some areas of my life.

I, for one, really enjoy your voice, and I am glad you started blogging again!
Natalie said…
Thanks for sharing your story! It is so hard to keep from comparing ourselves to other writers, and no I doubt it could ever be enough. Even the most successful writers have to deal with bad reviews. We've got to write because we love writing.
Robin Amos Kahn said…
I really enjoy reading your blog and in addition to great and insightful writing, it's also beautiful!

My writing has kept me sane since I was a kid. Putting it on-line is just the latest way of connecting to both my inner journey and to the few people who read it. (And I thank you for the comments on my blog.)

Thanks for your honesty. I search for that in my life.
Betty Manousos said…
Glad to know that you started
writing and sharing it.
I really liked your post
Anonymous said…
Thank You, for joining us!
Captain Dumbass said…
Making yourself happy is what is most important, although getting comments and recognition is definitely a great ego booster.
Tess Kincaid said…
Wow, aren't you glad you started blogging again? Look at you! Your blog is fab, daaaaling! ~x

I love your cool new header, too.
Susan R. Mills said…
What a wonderful post. I couldn't agree with you more. We can't lose our passion for writing. Without it, none of the rest even matters.
Unknown said…
A lovely read. I wish I had your skill with words.
Unknown said…
Well whdayaknow...a new reader! Lil' ol' me. And I guess I'm so in-line with you. I write because I love to write. I write because my blubbery lips aren't nearly as good as my nimble fingers! Either way, I want readers, but I live to write. Career writers need readers, but are more interested in writing.
Dreich said…
I understand how you felt about the writing. Even if people don't read it, it seems to help just having written it in the first place.
Jeanne Estridge said…
Your story really resonates with me, as it has with all your other commenters (and probably quite a few lurkers you know nothing about).

Thanks for finding me (and leading me to find you!). Adding you to my blogroll so I know when you've made updates. My Friday posts are generally about writing. (Mondays are whatever's on my heart and mind, and Wednesday is usually some kind of video/audio/web silliness.)

See you soon!